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She would have been curious about this flight officer…Isle; his nametag said…except that she was feeling sick again and was exhausted after the harrowing flight from SDF…3。

They had abandoned the Alpha three miles back under the shattered remains of a bridge in Old Tiresia。 Isle was successful in dodging his pursuers…they had gone rocket…big off in all directions trying to find him。

But why wouldn't he take off that flight helmet? Robotech fighter jocks sometimes felt a superstitious link to their thinking caps; but really; this was a bit eerie。

Lang's R&D。 research plex was just ahead。 Isle seemed to regard it as safe ground; but Minmei wasn't so sure。 Nor would her savior explain why he couldn't simply land the VT at Lang's bailiwick。

According to the transmissions they had heard during the descent from the superdimensional fortress; Edwards was stripping much of his REF mand for forces to pursue Breetai and the Valivarre。 But Minmei knew that Edwards would never let her go; no matter what the circumstances。

Nevertheless; her small hand was in Isle's gloved one as he led her into an alley across a huge plaza from a rear gate of Lang's domain。 But in front of the gate a quarter…mile away; mechanized troops from Edwards's ground forces were confronting Lang's security people。 Obviously; Edwards had moved quickly to bottle Lang up and seal him off。 Quite probably; Lang hadn't even the vaguest idea why。

Isle was unshaken; reversing field and pressing her back into the darkness。 Just then two patrolling infantry went by across the plaza and one almost idly shone his light into it; picking out Isle and Minmei。

Isle turned with iron calm and led her back the way they had e; but by then there was a sound of pursuit: sirens and Hoverbikes and jeeps; tracked vehicles; yelling and crackling static on portable sets。

A searchlight stabbed down from somewhere high overhead; and then several more lit the area。 Isle pressed himself and Minmei up against a wall when one ranged close; then it moved on。

But; with a blaring of engines; a Hovertank pulled to a squealing stop at the far end of a back street; right in then…path。 Two squads of infantry rushed to block the opposite end; trapping the two between rows of blank buildings。

Isle pushed Minmei against a wall and produced a huge magnum machine pistol; the kind she had heard the soldiers call Badgers; non…Robotech; but murderously effective。

REF troopers were closing in from both sides; men and women alike。 Probably; a lot of them were people who had listened to her songs at the service club。 Minmei put her hand on the barrel of the Badger and pressed it down toward the ground。 It didn't move。

〃I can get you away from here。〃 Still that flat; tinny sound from Isle's helmet speaker。 〃Minmei; I can save you。〃 It sounded like he was offering redemption。

She was shaking her head。 〃By killing people? If you do; then god damn you! Because if one more person dies because of me; I'll kill myself。〃

She said that last sentence showing her teeth to him; then turned as the spotlights were being lugged into place at the nearer end of the street。 Minmei walked toward them as they converged。 She had her hands out like a penitent saint。

〃Hold your fire! We'll surrender! But I want you to let this man go free; here where I can see it! If you don't release him; you won't have either of us alive!〃

She swooned a bit; leaning against a hard evercrete wall; and an indeterminate time passed。 There were people around her; flashlight and handspot beams on her; people trying to peel her eyelid back as she screamed and spit and fought and slapped them away; bit at them; and shrieked the most obscene things she could think of。

Then she calmed down。 〃Let him go;〃 she wept。 〃Let him go。〃

Then that most reviled of all voices was near her; Edwards's。 〃Let who go? Who was here; Minmei? Who kidnapped you?〃

Edwards was still some distance from her…his weren't the restraining hands gripping her。 She gulped air and blinked away her tears and saw that Edwards's troops had secured the area; but Isle wasn't there。 He was nowhere to be seen。

She looked to the blank evercrete wall where she had last seen him。 Maybe there were slight punctures in it; the light was too dim to tell; especially with men and women holding her down。 But anyway; there was only one person she could think of who could…

Edwards had been about to inflict new fear upon Minmei; some threat to scare her back into line。 But Minmei's sudden; maniacal laugh put fear into him instead。 〃You know what you've finally done?〃 she screamed; frothing。 〃You've awakened the dead! And now your life is finished!〃

Minmei; gamine though she was; almost pounced on him with fingers extended like claws; it took several groundpounders to hold her back。

〃Straitjacket;〃 Edwards said harshly; watching the struggle on the wet pavement。

Rain ran from his alloy cowl and glistening eye…lens; and from the pale fury of his face。 〃Put her in a straitjacket and get her over to my headquarters。〃

After the rest had gone; he looked at the wall to which Minmei had looked。 In the dim light it was difficult to tell; those punctures were random…products of material defects and pitting and so forth; weren't they?

And yet; someone had flown the Alpha that no one seemed to be able to find。 Someone had been standing next to her in a flight suit。

But Edwards didn't think Minmei would reveal the culprit's identity soon; he could hear her mad laughter and weeping as his security police bore her away。

〃mander! Faster…than…light craft appearing before us; screening our course。 Two SDF…escort class; and they're sending challenges。〃

Breetai looked up from the private calculations he was making。 〃Patch it through。〃

He rose from the captain's chair on the bridge of the Valivarre。 He unhurriedly squared away his Zentraedi longcoat; which was heavy with braid and decorations; all of them paid for in strife and blood。 His skullpiece; all crystal and resplendent alloy; reflected the light。

〃Attention; Valivarre!〃 came the Human voice。 A face appeared on a screen above Breetai; a middle…age Human male's。 The man was round…f
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