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ex fiend; so you're gonna convalesce。 Veidt's flier meets us on the roof in ten minutes; so move it; Mister!〃

Jack started undoing his hospital gown; but she was out the door before he could moon her。

Actually; his first excursion out of sick bay promised to be the trip of a lifetime。 Numerous Sentinels had already made the journey; all had received heartfelt invitations from the grateful Spherisians。

It so happened that today was the first day the Hunters could get away to make the pilgrimage; and Gnea; hearing that Jack was to go; decided to e along; too; for a second visit。 Burak announced with august dignity that it was only fitting that he witness the most guarded shrine in Spheris。 Veidt; his flier repaired; felt it was a good time for a test flight。

Teal and Baldan II; learning who would be on Veidt's flier; insisted on showing the Sentinels around personally。

Veidt was perfectly fortable hovering several inches off the deck; but seats like long…legged director's chairs had been provided for others。 In addition; a picnic lunch lay in a pile of thermal canisters at the rear of the bubble…domed passenger space。

〃Still not ready for volleyball; Baker?〃 Rick asked innocently as Karen helped Jack to his seat。 Jack snorted a laugh and then groaned in pain; but he didn't plain; it was just the sort of thing he had done to other people; and he had no intention of being accused of dishing it out but not being able to take it。

Though Karen might abuse Jack; however; she wasn't about to see anybody else do so。 〃Admiral! Unless there're enough people here with matching blood types to give Lieutenant mander Baker transfusions in the event he should rupture a gut; Sir; I respectfully suggest we go easy on him。〃

Rick coughed behind his hand to hide his grin。 〃Of course; quite right。〃 Lisa elbowed Rick; then looked out over the devastated but rebuilding Beroth; throbbing silently with laughter。

The ice…cream…cone flier took them out across the crystal countryside; to a volcanic chimney the Spherisians had opened so that their liberators could see their greatest treasure。 They descended past sights as wonderful as anything they had seen on their journeys so far。

At last they came to rest with the narrow promenade flange that encircled the little passenger dome even with a cut…glass walkway。 They were miles deep; yet the temperature was fortable; the air pressure little different from that above。 Rick wanted to ask how that could be; but he was sure the Spherisians would only confuse him again; as they had the Sentinels engineers and scientists。

The party stepped out and followed Teal and her son along; through an immense archway of lava pulled and braided like multiple strands of taffy。 On the other side; they all fell mute except for a few loud; indrawn breaths。

No outworlder had ever seen that representation of Haydon until the Sentinels were invited into the lower domains of Spheris。 It was set in the middle of a cavern from which light shone in darts bright enough to bother the eyes of the non…Spherisians。 It stood in the polished; faceted glory of the planet's most beautiful gem setting; a form a thousand feet high。

A figure of clay。

The stuff was a nondescript color; impossible to discern there where fantastic light…shows changed from instant to instant。 The matter of material strengths and the impossibility of such an immense amount of the stuff holding its shape was barely worth mentioning; because the reality was there before them。

The clay was unfired; looking like it had been molded only moments ago; yet it had stood there since the epoch of Haydon himself。 It was as if a divine artist had been called away; for a moment; from an unfinished work。 Again there was that lack of features but the definite strength and nobility of the outline。 It agreed in form with the others the Sentinels had seen。

〃Haydon was the living model for its shape;〃 Teal said in a proud; distant voice。 〃e; look closer。〃

She led the way toward an ascending path a yard or so wide which connected to a network that spiraled around and up and down the stupendous cavern。 Awed; the rest began falling in automatically。

Except for Jack; who took one look at that corkscrew webbing of trails and knew he could never make it。 In fact; he was already feeling a twinge in his mending middle from the activity; the nurses had made him promise to sit in the flier and not move at all; and he had already disobeyed them。

Karen was about to help Jack to Veidt's flier; but Gnea intervened。 〃I've been here once already; Sister。 I'll give him a hand。〃

The others were already wending up the steep pathway except for Burak; who was still immobile before the clay Haydon。 Karen nodded and let go of Jack's arm; then hurried after。 Jack hobbled along; more or less leaning on Gnea; letting go a blissful breath as she helped him into his chair again。

〃I'm not an invalid anymore; Gnea。 You can go on with the others; I'll be all right。〃

She eased into a chair next to him and patted his forearm。 〃No problem; bucko。 Are you hungry?〃

〃No; I…〃

〃Well; I am!〃

〃Well; you're a growing amazon;〃 Jack pointed out。


Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the Regent…Tesla conflict is one that cannot be verified but was a persistent rumor among the Invid。
It was alleged in various quarters that the count of Special Children eggs left behind by the Regis upon her departure was one short。 Further rumor had it that she'd chosen to raise one of the select brood as a secret experiment; telling no one about it; not even the Special Child…and that she raised it as a Scientist。
Perhaps Tesla's crimes were; like something out of Greek drama; even more enormous than he imagined。
Lemuel Thicka; Temple of Flames: A History of the Invid Regent

The pilgrims to Haydon's shrine became separated; going off along various paths that wound the cavern walls; to view the stupendous icon from assorted angles and distances。 Karen was walking alone when Baldan emerged from the glittering wall to stand before her。

He was as tentative as any adolescent male approaching an attractive older female。 〃There is…something I tho
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