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sful smile on her face。

〃You've got yourselves a beautiful little daughter; folks;〃 Jean said。 The child was crying heartily。 Miriya's eyes opened and she and Max laughed and wept; hugging each other。

But Jean; seeing to the umbilical word; felt a cold wind blow through her。 She was no obstetrician; but she had delivered plenty of babies。

And this was the first newborn she had ever seen e into the world already breathing; with eyes open and teeth already sprouting。

The baby moved feebly; but its eyes fixed on hers。

Thank you; Jean; that same voice said。

〃We have to move with all deliberate speed; Admiral;〃 Burak told Rick in a controlled/impatient tone。 〃Tesla's efforts to liberate Peryton are wele; of course; and I'm grateful that he's led the vanguard; but I am the one who has been chosen by Destiny to free my people and bee their Lord。

〃While I sympathize with the Spherisians and the rebuilding they must do; the fact is that they have been freed; while my folk lie under a terrible curse。 You can see my point; I'm sure。〃

Burak was cleaned up and dressed in new garments; Jack Baker's blood washed from his horns。 Rick had been avoiding him for days; but at last the Perytonian had buttonholed him; on his way to another strategy meeting。

〃Um; I see what you mean; Burak。 I'll make sure everyone in the leadership understands。〃

〃Please see that you do。 I will await word in my quarters。〃

Burak turned and strode off in kingly fashion; followed by a few of his people。 Rick couldn't figure out if they were just humoring Burak out of loyalty and pity; or if they really believed all his claptrap about being the messiah of his planet。

Certainly; nobody could disabuse him of the conviction that Tesla had gone off to begin the liberation of Peryton; even when they showed Burak the tracking plots on Tesla's escaped ships headed in the direction of Optera。

Rick had been ready to chalk it all up to Tesla's hypnosis; or whatever the Invid used; but Gnea and Jack showed no signs of any residual effects while Burak was still walking around talking like a locked…ward case。 He shrugged to himself; and made a note to have security keep surveillance on the Perytonians。

Ironically; Burak's home planet was; at long last; next in line on the Sentinels' long campaign。 But before that battle could be mounted; the Sentinels had to tend to their wounded and bury their dead。 There were also repairs to make to Ark Angel; mecha; weapons; and equipment。

And; despite his increasing behavioral quirks; Burak was being more cooperative in that he and his followers showed more willingness to answer the intel officers' specific questions about their homeworld。 Though the general consensus was that they were holding back a lot; the Perytonians had given the rest of the Sentinels more to ponder with regard to that tragic; cursed planet。

There was also the plight of the Spherisians to consider: their cities in ruins; their economic and industrial infrastructure…the aboveground portion; at any rate…wrecked。 Though they could survive in the planet's interior and rebuild on their own; in time; the Sentinels felt it their duty to help the Spherisians as much as possible before lifting off。

A partial message had been received from Max Sterling; and though Rick and Lisa were gone at the time; they were overjoyed to hear that Miriya had given birth to a baby girl the couple had named Aurora。 The tape of the transmission was fuzzy and broken up by static; but Rick thought Max looked troubled; even though mother and daughter were both reported to be doing fine。

Of more importance to the mission was the fact that the Haydonites had established intermittent contact with Karbarra。 The big ursinoids there had many of their technical problems licked; and production of REF…type mecha and smaller craft was due to start within weeks…as was construction of a prototype SDF…7 class cruiser。 That didn't change the Perytonian invasion timetable; but it heartened the Sentinels…the Human members in particular。 The fleet that would take them home was now a…building!

The Regent paced through his vaulted organic halls; followed by his faithful bodyguard。 He had lost all contact with Spheris; and could guess the rest。

He had issued orders to strip all outposts and planetary garrisons; to bring home every Invid trooper to protect the Home Hive。 But he knew that if an enemy was on its way from Spheris; there was no time for reinforcements。

He stood at last before the Special Children; the bio…manipulated embryos left behind by the Regis with the exhortation that he let them grow into what she had intended them to be; and respect the things she had designed into them。

〃Bah! What use are they to the Invid if the Home Hive falls?〃 He had refrained from violating her wishes in the constant hope that someday she would return to him; he preserved her Special Children as a sign of his longing for her。 But what good to honor her request if it meant his defeat and death?

He swept his hand out at the ranks and ranks of silent; glistening eggs。 〃Quicken and hatch them! Feed in the richest nutrients and do all other things to maximize their…potential!〃

He spun on his bowing entourage。 〃See to it that all defenses are prepared and on alert。 And make ready my bat armor。〃

If it was his fate to preside over the end of the Invid empire; he would see that it didn't overtake him gently or at small cost。

Once Jack was out of danger from his wounds; his love…hate relationship with Karen began swinging quickly back to its old sweet…and…sour tune。

There were a couple of days there…he was awake on and off; but in guarded condition and as weak as a kitten…when she was actually sweet to him。 Especially when he managed a little sheepishly; 〃Thanks for riding to the rescue; Lancelot。〃


〃As soon as I'm well enough to do anything about it; y'turn back into Attila the Penn;〃 he sneered。

She eluded his embrace nimbly and threw a clean; bundled uniform in his face。 〃The doc says you're on convalescent status now; you drooling sex fiend; so you're gonna convalesce。 Veidt's flier meets us on the roof in ten minutes; so move it;
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