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Edwards lost patience and swung his fist。 Minmei dropped; senseless。 He tried to insinuate his mind into hers; greedy to have her as his living puppet again。 But the song was still there; he was shut out of her mind and her love forever。

Minmei came to blearily in disfort and pain。 She felt like vomiting as she blinked her eyes open。 It took seconds to realize where she was and what had happened to her。

She was shackled to a crudely hewn wooden X that had been erected on the bridge of Edwards's stolen starship。 Before her were the screens and consoles; and loyal Ghost Riders who ignored her moans。

Edwards; noticing that she had e around; left his mand chair to put his hand under her chin。 〃I want you to enjoy the ride; darling;〃 he said; showing his teeth。 〃After all; you're my most important passenger。〃

The soul…song that protected her from him had made him remember how her voice played a pivotal role in Earth's victory in the Robotech War。 Undeniably; Fate had been working in his favor when he fought to take her with him on Tirol。 In addition to the SDF; his own loyal troops; the Brain; and the Inorganics; he had the secret weapon that had won the war!

Now the problem was how to use it。 〃My beloved;〃 he added; kissing her cheek; tasting the salt tears there。

Deep within; her newfound patience settled in again; so that she could wait however long it took; bear whatever she had to; until she could kill him。

〃We asked you here; mander Grant;〃 Lang said; 〃because we require your opinion。 Despite the setback of Edwards's mutiny; we shall be ready soon to send an expedition back to Earth。 The new ships will be quite space…worthy within weeks。〃

〃But…the fold drives…〃 Vince objected。

Exedore tut…tutted。 〃They are already pleted; as in fact was the one for the ship Edwards pirated。 The drives are all in safekeeping here in Dr。 Lang's plex。〃

Strolling along in the middle of Lang's Robotech wonderland; Vince rumbled with laughter。 Good old Lang; one jump ahead all the way!

But a sudden thought stopped Vince。 〃I hope you gentlemen aren't about to ask me to volunteer。〃 Much as he ached to go home to his son and the world he loved best; to leave without Jean was unthinkable。

〃No; no〃 Exedore was saying; placing a small hand in the center of that massive; V…shaped back。 〃But we want your opinion on the person we have chosen。〃

He explained quickly the circumstances of Edwards's escape as Breetai had relayed them。 〃And the Valivarre will be making planetfall soon。 We want to put Jonathan Wolff in overall mand of the expedition back to Earth。〃

The REF was an expedition; it sounded strange to be talking about an expedition home。 But the more Vince thought about it; the more logical a choice Jonathan was; what with Rick and Lisa; Max and Miriya unavailable and Vince himself unwilling。

If reports were true; then Wolff had no motive to stay and every reason to go home again; reunite with his family; and put Minmei and the REF behind him。 More to the point; he was a brilliant and capable mander…diligent and honest。

And; with the threat of the Invid and the Robotech Masters on the loose; somebody had to carry the warning to Earth。 There had been no reply from Carpenter's expedition; it was time for a recon in force。

〃I'd say that for once; Hobson's Choice has given us a winner;〃 Vince told them。


The more information we accrue on the subject of the being known as Haydon; the more convinced I am that my work is only beginning。
Dr。 Emil Lang; personal notes on the SDF…3 mission

〃Listen to me; honey: I want you to push again now。 Okay?〃

Miriya caught her breath; stopped sobbing; and nodded。

〃That's my girl;〃 Jean Grant said; the encouragements automatic as she concentrated on her job。 〃Max; are you holding her hand?〃

〃Yes。〃 Max and Miriya exchanged finger squeezes; but hers was so weak。

〃Okay; Mommie and Daddy; let's do it;〃 Jean said。 〃Bear down; hon。〃

Miriya did; biting her lower lip until it bled; then groaning in pain。 No battle wound had ever given her suffering like this; no enemy torture could be more horrible。

Jean didn't have time for an indecent turn of phrase。 Medical advances had made the safe; relatively painless delivery of babies a run…of…the…mill thing; but those advances didn't apply to a Zentraedi woman impregnated by a Human male when by all rights it should have been impossible。 Or a gestation period that only lasted a few months but had; by all indications; e to full term。 Or a pregnancy that had e close to taking the mother's life several times for no discernible reason。

〃What is it? What's wrong?〃 Max asked Jean; as there was a flurry of activity。 He couldn't see what was happening from where he sat by Miriya's end of the delivery med…table; holding her hand。

〃We're bringing a baby into the world。 Isn't that worth giving your wife a kiss?〃 Jean said distractedly through her mask。 But inside; she despaired。 Miriya was hemorrhaging badly; and nothing Jean could do seemed to help。

Miriya screamed; and Max; clasping her hands and babbling words of reassurance; saw her eyes rolling up into her head。 He ripped his own mask off。

〃Mir! Mir! Don't do this! Please please; stay with me!〃

She began convulsing; and Jean; checking the vital signs; thought; We're losing her。

Max was bending against his wife; holding her head to his; weeping and begging her not to die。 〃Jean; do something!〃

〃Shhhh! I'm trying; Max。〃 But it was hopeless。

Don't worry; Mother; I am with you。

Max wiped his eyes。 〃Wh…what'd you say; Jean?〃

〃I didn't say anything; Max。 I thought you did。〃 The nurses and techs and two other attending physicians had nothing to add。

Put your minds at rest。 All will be well; you'll see。

Jean didn't have time to wonder if she was going nuts…hearing voices directly in her mind。 Miriya's convulsions stopped and her vital signs rose and stabilized。 The hemorrhaging slowed to a trickle; then ceased。

And other developments continued。 There were a few busy seconds; but Miriya went through them with her eyes closed and a blissful smile on her face。

〃You've got yourselves a beautiful little daughter;
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