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All around the place; a ring of thousands upon thousands of Spherisians was rising; head and shoulders; from the body of their planet。 As that was happening the weapons pylons and gun emplacements toppled or settled into the rock; swallowed by it。 The last few; out of kilter; blasted uselessly into the sky then were gone。

Other batteries were still firing from the hive proper at mecha and parts of the city…the Ark Angel being too far off yet。 But the Spherisians were too close to the hive to be in its fields of fire。

And; safe in that fashion; the thousands rose to join the first two; until they were standing around the hive in a circle several miles in circumference。 From where she flew; Gnea could see still more heads appear and then bob back down again; in the direction of the hive; like porpoises heading under a ship。 It seemed that the landscape rippled。

The first two Spherisians to appear…Gnea somehow had no doubt who they were…held out their free hands。 All the others linked up; all around the great ring。 There was a strange moment of silence then; the Invid guns ceasing fire。

Spheris shook again; then vast faceted dowels of crystal the size of skyscrapers thrust their points up out of the planet's crust; angling in from every side; going up and up until they formed an irregular apex over the center of the hive's dome。

The hive trembled…and began to sink。

Gnea thought there were great counterforces fighting back; the hive seemed to be trying to fight free like a fish caught by a sea anemone。 Rock and dust and segments of the hive foundation were flung up all around its sides。 But inch by inch it was pulled down。

A liquid; lucid substance gushed up slowly; hardening as it went; trapping the dome and everything in and around it like flies in amber。

Veidt had the carpet at a hover now。 The firing had stopped everywhere。 He and Gnea watched as the Invid stronghold was pulled low and disappeared from sight; the ground closing over it like something alive…like the landscape of Haydon IV; and yet different from it。

A single united psychic scream came from the Brain and the Invid immobilized in the amber…stuff; as they were drawn; forever unmoving but still alive; deep into Spheris。 Every Sentinel and Spherisian winced at it。 Then it faded and was gone。

The Spherisians began melding with their world again; all but the first two; who stood looking at the spot from which the Invid had ruled。

Tesla had no time to be outraged at the defection…that was how he thought of it…of Gnea and Burak。

The Brain was gone! The Invid garrison was his to mand!

But at the same time; he was aware of the terrible fate the hive had met; and knew; too; that the Ark Angel was in the area。 Though he had an army under his control; he dared not use it there on Spheris。

He heard a clanging sound and turned to find that some of the more simpleminded Inorganics had gone back to fighting one another。 With a mental shriek; he began rallying his forces。 They began pouring toward the camouflaged transports。

〃Getting strange power readings from the spaceport;〃 someone relayed the report to Lisa。 〃Could be Tesla。 Inorganics are disengaging and withdrawing that way。〃

She jabbed her fist into her palm。 He had to be stopped! First Karen Penn had made her report over Bela's set; then Gnea returned on Veidt's carpet; to fill in gaps in the story; all of it proved that Tesla must be reimprisoned or perhaps even eliminated。 And yet there were still wounded being loaded directly into the Ark Angel。 She couldn't just seal up and go chasing off after Tesla。

〃Have one Beta do a recon of the spaceport。 Get all other available VTs over here to fly security;〃 she snapped。 〃And have all non…Protoculture weapons stand ready。 Keep the Hovertanks on landing…zone…perimeter patrol。〃

Rick was helping lug a stretcher over to a cargo lift…all the powered gurneys were long since full…when the sound went through the city。 He thought it was an aftershock。 But word of movement came from the VTs flying cover; in moments everyone was watching as buildings out at the starport began to fly apart。

Since Spheris didn't react in pain; Rick assumed the Invid had rigged some sort of repulsion charges rather than using Protoculture explosives。 In any event; pieces of what had been assumed to be a hangar plex were thrown outward。 Something began rising from the spot where the structures stood。

Somebody shouted; 〃I…Invid troop transports!〃

Three of the clamshell vessels were lifting off…troopships bigger than any the Sentinels had encountered before。 Rick expected them to open up on Ark Angel for a parting volley; but apparently the appalling fate of the hive had intimidated Tesla。

The starships rose higher and higher; throwing shadows across the city。 Rick wasn't surprised that Lisa held fire; Spheris had been wounded enough; aside from the fact that the planet might react just as violently to the Sentinels' flagship as it had to the hive。

Tesla watched Spheris sinking away beneath him with a mixture of relief and wrath。 His victory had been so close!

But…perhaps it was better this way。 Surely; the Shapings of the Protoculture were leading him toward his rightful; Evolved fate。 〃Optera;〃 he whispered to himself。

He had the greater part of the Inorganic garrison with him。 From what he could glean from munications logs on the ships; the Regent was now presiding over a Home Hive guarded by a badly depleted army。 If he struck before the Regent heard of the oute on Spheris and could reshuffle forces; Tesla would have the numerical and tactical advantage。

〃Optera;〃 he said; a little louder; to his bridge crew。 They hastened to plot the course。

Once he had slain the Regent and assumed control of half the Invid species; Tesla would lead his race to triumph。 There were ways of coping with the Sentinels and the Robotech Masters and the rest that the devolved maggot hiding on Optera couldn't begin to conceive。 And once Tesla had the universe beneath his heel; there would be the Regis to win。 But how could she resist him; Evolved as he was? No doubt; he would conquer her without firing a shot。

〃Optera!〃 he exulted; and t
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