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 people; that she had been kidnapped。 Minutes later; news reached him of the chase after the armored Alpha。

Apparently the pilot; whoever he was; was neither a Ghost Rider nor some rogue Skull; but rather one of the detached…duty fliers serving the R&D people and council…liaison offices。 That hadn't kept him from knocking out several crewmembers and stealing a VT。 Edwards looked forward to exacting a fearsome revenge。

But he had no time to waste monitoring the pursuit of the Alpha。 There was his flotilla to put into motion; and every second counted; since Breetai was already under way。 The ore the Zentraedi had taken with them was the key to a fleet that would let Edwards return to Earth in glory and conquer it。

Once the Zentraedi had been eliminated; it would be time to do away with the bothersome Sentinels。 And soon; Minmei would be his wife and rule at his side; an empress over whole planets but his own obedient chattel。


The place was called Haydon IV; but nobody was able to explain why。 It was the third planet out from its primary; so that explanation was null and void。 There was no record or myth that gave a clue。
Odd; though; it was the fourth planet the Sentinels were to fight on…Tirol being an REF show。
Oh well。 Coincidences were for the scientists; we troopies were just there to shoot V salute。
Susan Graham; from the narration to her documentary film; Protoculture's Privateers: SDF…3; Farrago; Ark Angel; Sentinels; and the REF

Like schools of deadly fish; the fiery defensive vortices of Haydon IV plastered themselves to the Veri…tech; glowing brighter and brighter; burning fiercely at the fighter's shields。

〃They mean to roast us alive!〃 Bela said grimly; Jack knew that tone in her voice; the one she took when she had her hand on her sword hilt。

He doubted that the energy defenses would actually do that; though; once the shields went down; the end would be rather swift and spectacular。 Even now; the VTs were beginning to lose power; the final fall would be soon。

〃Jan; can you spot any large bodies of water downstairs?〃 Maybe a swan dive into a lake or ocean would short…circuit the vortices; or something。

But she was replying; 〃Negative。 Jack; I'm losing flight control。 My instruments say these things are melding with the shields; being part of them and making them rigid。 Control surfaces are being immovable。〃

It was happening to him; too; and to Learna's ship。 The energy was forming a shell; and unless they could break it。。。

Then he yelped as a last; desperate solution occurred to him。 〃Listen up; everybody! Separate fighters and go to Guardian…correction! Go to Battloid mode; I say again; separate fighters and go to Battloid mode! Maybe we can hatch outta these energy shells!〃

The fighters were beginning to tumble and wobble; the mere act of separating them under these conditions bordered on the suicidal。 But Kami followed Jack's countdown from her place in the Beta's pilot…seat and at his mark they disengaged。 The drubbing they got from the atmosphere almost smashed the two ships into each other; but Jack and Kami fought their controls; imaged through their thinking caps; and managed to get clear。

The fighters fought a terrible battle against the cocooning energy fields…like chicks trying to break through their shells。 The ships strained to mechamorphose; to follow that central and perhaps most amazing trait of Robotechnology。

e on; e on; Jack urged his mecha silently。 And at last there was the sliding of ponents as the Alpha began folding and reconfiguring; its shields following suit。

All at once the blazing inferno burst away from the Alpha in all directions like an outlashing nova。 The VT had bee a Battloid; Humaniform; like a knight in armor; fists cocked; riding ribbons of thruster fire。

Jack gasped; trying to catch his breath。 He checked around and saw Kami's Beta; and Janice's Alpha; with Lron's Beta close…by。 All were in Battloid; shimmering with heat waves but still intact and under control。

Jack spotted Learna…a little rocky but apparently getting things under control。 But。。。


He heard the ursine growling of the female Karbarran; more angry than afraid; as her Beta whirled and tumbled groundward。 It was still in fighter mode; its power failing。 Jack imaged his systemry and went after her like a high…diver。

Something came into his field of vision and he realized that Janice Em was nearby; her Alpha in Battloid; too; plummeting alongside him for the seemingly doomed effort to save the falling Beta。

〃Don't touch it unless your shields are up!〃 Jack yelled; Crysta's mecha was still aglow with the energy 〃antibodies。〃 He took a deep breath; and imaged his mand to his Battloid。 It reached out and seized the Beta。

It was like trying to bulldog a whirlwind。 The heavier Beta spun and tumbled; nearly shaking the Alpha loose; the Alpha's amazing Robotech strength notwithstanding。

But Jack clung and; bracing his feet against the fuselage; began prying at the wings; straining to help it go into mechamorphosis。 At least; to his relief; the Haydon antibodies that were infused with the Beta's protective mantle didn't attack him or slide from Crysta's shields over to his own。

Then Janice grabbed the Beta from the other side; and together they fought to save their panions。 〃Crysta; try for Guardian; do you copy?〃 Jack had to strain to get out his words as he was thrown around against his harness。 〃Guardian!〃

Jack figured that the Beta might be able to achieve the intermediate mode between Fighter and Battloid; and perhaps it would be enough to save those within。 Crysta had only recently pleted her pilot training; but she kept her cool with bearish Karbarran fatalism; and did her best to obey。

The attempt to mechamorphose didn't appear to be having any effect; though the Beta's ponents were straining against one another and seemed ready to fly apart。 The efforts of the two Battloids had slowed its fall; though; and Crysta had a bit more control。

Lron; who had been pacing the others in a steep dive; along with Kami and Learna; called out; 〃Jack; I see water; a large body of it!〃 There was panic in his voice; but he 
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