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id civil war; apparently。〃

Lisa had more than half hoped it would be some sign of treachery by Tesla; especially after contact with Veidt's flier was lost。 That would give her all the justification she needed to throw the switch and trigger the charge in Tesla's collar and blow his damned head away。

〃I guess Tesla can't fool all of the Invid all of the time;〃 Rick mused。 〃I'll say this for him; though: he's created a diversion。〃

〃But we don't know how long it'll last;〃 Bela said; fists planted on girded hips。 〃The time to move is now!〃

The leadership came to a quick decision; Rick could see that his once…cautious wife was in accord with the amazon way of thinking now。 Orders went out for the bat drop operations to begin。

Perhaps the conventional weapons with which the Inorganics on Spheris had been armed couldn't produce the planet…rending effects Protoculture firearms did; but the ruin they spread in the gorgeous capital city of Beroth was appalling enough。 Explosive shells; armor…piercing rockets; and the mecha's own brute strength shattered buildings and sculptures; stately columns and illumination pylons。 The Inorganics pounded and shot and dismembered one another throughout the city。

Jack and Burak found that the batants were totally uninterested in them; but that didn't mean they were safe。 A Scrim's stray shot or a wrestling Odeon's foot would kill them just as dead as a well…aimed missile。 Following Tesla's silent guidance; they picked their way through the madness toward the hive。 They had no idea how to distinguish between the local Brain's loyalists and Tesla's faction; but obviously the Inorganics did。

At one point they were nearly cut to ribbons by a shattered wall that fell like a waterfall of needles and razors; knives and guillotine blades。 Seconds later; they just reached cover before a thermal warhead went off in the midst of a cluster of Crann。 Two Hellcats; trying to tear each other apart; rolled from a higher esplanade and nearly crushed them。

But they ran on without pause and in perfect cooperation; because that was Tesla's will。 At the entrance to the hive; Burak led the way; being more familiar with the layout of such places。

There; too; the Invid seemed to be distracted to the point of utter carelessness…at least where non…Invid interlopers were concerned。 The pair made their way through the shadows; as reinforcements went pounding up and down the corridors。 Navigated by Tesla's hold on them; they came at last to the place where the Flower of Life had brought forth its burden。

Here; too; the Fruit had only appeared recently; so much so that it wasn't quite ripe yet。 Therefore; it hadn't been harvested yet for shipment to Optera。 Tesla took that as another sign that he; not the Regent; was destined to rule his species and the universe。

〃The Invid are fighting it out sure enough; sir;〃 Karen reported back to Rick over the mand net; 〃but there's no way to tell who's who!〃

She pleted her close pass in the Fighter…mode Logan VT; weaving among stray shots and deliberate ones; missiles and autocannon both; that drew lines through the sky around her。

〃Suggest you delay drop; I say again; delay drop; until we can figure out what's going on。〃

〃Understood。〃 In the Ark Angel's tactical information center; Rick switched to his link with Lisa up on the bridge。 〃Did you get that?〃

〃Acknowledged。〃 She swept the ship around into a holding pattern; as it was jarred by the atmosphere。 In the mustering points; hundreds of troops cussed at the delay and wondered what was wrong; the waiting; the veterans knew; could sometimes be the worst part of all。

Karen brought her VT about and went to Guardian configuration for another pass。 She finally spotted her objective。 〃I've got Tesla sighted! Gnea and Veidt; too; but I don't see Burak or Jack!〃 She felt her heart sink within her。

Just then Gnea's voice came over the net。 〃Attention; Karen! Jack and Burak are inside the Invid hive; stealing a; um; special weapon that Tesla says can win the battle。 Make the pickup on them at the main intersection south of the hive; Jack will have his set keyed for a homing signal。

〃Also be advised: Tesla will instruct his troops to emit blinking signals with their optical sensors。 I say again; troops with blinking signals are friendlies。〃

〃Roger that;〃 Karen said。 She relayed the information to Lisa even as her VT leapt away through the sky; thrusters bellowing; to make the pickup on Jack and Burak。

Below her; Tesla took his concentration from the battle for an instant to tell Gnea; 〃Well done。〃

The faster the Fruit was brought to him; the better。 And; having a Veritech at his disposal would enhance his situation; too。

This time; the Fruit was as yellow as a sunflower and grew in a shape that was nearly a perfect pyramid。

Jack and Burak had bundled up as many as they could in their jackets; and crept out of the hive once more; like raiding mice among the hurrying giant Inorganics。

At one point; they felt disoriented as Tesla wondered if it wouldn't be worthwhile to send them on a suicide attack to the Brain。 But the moment passed as the scientist realized that the Brain would be far too well guarded for two lightly armed humanoids to tackle。 Besides; he must have the Fruit; before something happened to it。

When they reached the intersection; Jack; by Tesla's decree; keyed the homing signal。 He and Burak got ready to put the rest of the plan into effect。

Zooming down in a wash of thruster fire; Karen could see no sign of either Jack or Burak。 And yet; she was getting a strong signal from the set。

The only building still standing in the area was a sturdy…looking structure suggesting a bunker of polished opal。 Karen checked her instruments; the signal was ing from there。 Its entrances were far too small for a Battloid。

Jack's voice came up on the net。 〃Karen; get in here and help me with Burak; he took a bad hit。〃

The fighting had moved from the area; but she still considered Jack's proposal dubious。 〃Can't you get him to the entry? I can pick him up with the Battloid's hand。〃

Jack sounded weak and weary。 〃Goddamn you; it's all I can do to keep him from
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