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It was a world suspended in space: here; the juttings of a tectonic rift; there; the sweep of a rhodonite seam that virtually girded the planet。 They navigated currents of chrysoberyl; emerald and corundum; rode the piezoelectric waves; fought through schist and body surfed in tourmaline。

Then he became aware of the songs; and they drew him。 Teal noticed that he was veering away; and followed。 They understood through unspoken munication that the longing he felt wasn't to be questioned。 She gave in to an impulse that she had only marginally resisted until then; and found she wasn't one person anymore: she was two。 Herself and her son。

In a place like a cathedral made of living mineral; or a megaplex encysted in a jewel of perfect clarity; he encountered the first of his race he had ever met aside from his mother and a few shipmates。

Their voices drew him; the sound resonating through the world。 Baldan found to his surprise that emerging from the warp and woof of the planet was harder than melding with it; and understood a little better how his father died。

There was a tremendous strain as he fought to free himself from the Crystal Highway; it was as if Spheris didn't want to let him go。 Baldan came forth halfway; like some tormented cameo; he was sucked back again and nearly consumed。 He fought and kicked and flailed his way clear; reborn once more。

Teal was standing nearby; and he knew instinctively why she hadn't been able to help; there was only one road test for riders of the Crystal Highways; and it was very Darwinian。

Their very substance was changed。 They were now of smokier stuff; harder and more given to sharp angles; than they had been above and in the ship。 Baldan understood that each time he emerged from the Crystal Highways; he would be of different position…would be of the stuff that made up the area from which he exited。

So; I'm truly part of my world now。

Teal and Baldan had e into a place that was dazzling with shards of pure light in a million shades and haunting in the tones that sprang from every cusp and facet。 It was like heaven's own house of mirrors; a sound…and…light show that no non…Spherisian would ever be able to prehend。

There were thousands upon thousands of his father's people there; contemplating eternity and the Universe in small nichelike chambers; or muning with one another; or working to enlarge the boundaries of their sanctuary。 Some looked around in surprise at the arrival of newers。

One in particular dropped a caving tool that rang like a bell on the vitreous floor of the place。 〃Baldan!〃

It was an elderly female of his race; Baldan II could see。 Before she had taken two more steps; her posture and the aura she emitted changed。 Joy and disbelief gave way to uncertainty。 〃But…you're not Baldan; are you?〃

〃I'm his son。〃 On Spheris; it went without saying that a great deal of the parent was born again in the child。 〃Baldan is dead。 I am Baldan II。〃

〃My son is dead;〃 the old one said as if the words were inprehensible。 〃But then…who shaped you?〃

Teal stepped forward。 〃I knew you would want to meet the boy; Tiffa。〃

〃You!〃 Everyone knew the story: how a flighty female of no discernible talent or promise had coincidentally been taken prisoner with Baldan; a champion of his species。

Tiff a struggled for words; plainly displeased at having a new in…law thrust upon her; and one who enjoyed no great prestige or status at that。

〃Do try to conceal your joy;〃 Teal said dryly。

By now; there were a lot of other Spherisians looking on and listening in。 They saw in Baldan II the image of their fallen resistance leader and hero。

Teal faced them。 〃We might as well get all this out in the open right away。 This is Baldan's son; Baldan II。 I Shaped him。 I didn't ask for the obligation; but we don't always get to choose the Shapings of the Protoculture; do we? I want it known that I'm proud of this boy and I love him very much。

〃Now; we've e back with allies; to free Spheris from the Invid。 I know a lot of you would prefer to sit down here in safety and fort and wait for them to go away rather than fight them; but I say to you that the Invid won't go away。〃

That had people murmuring to one another。 They had hidden in the bosom of Spheris…a defense that had never failed them…but many were growing restive。 No invader had ever been as tenacious as the Regent's hordes。

〃The Sentinels have already removed the Invid from Karbarra; Garuda; and Haydon IV;〃 Teal went on。 〃And we mean to do the same here。 We're not asking your permission; because this war will be fought to the death whether Spherisians throw in their lot with us or not。 But the oute lies in the balance; and your help could make all the difference。〃

Tiffa was looking at Teal with a troubled expression。 Wasn't this the frivolous; whimsical girl who had been the despair of her parents and who; most had agreed; would e to a bad and probably meaningless end?

Who are these 〃Sentinels;〃 Tiffa wondered; that their panionship should bring Teal home so vested with wisdom and purpose? Perhaps the Invid had met their match at last。

But there were voices from the crowd now。 〃Leave us in peace and go!〃 〃We want no war!〃 〃We're not fighters!〃

〃Yes; you are。〃

Teal had been about to try to shout the doubters down; but Baldan spoke first。 Now he took three steps forward; so that they could all get a good look at him。

〃Yes; you are;〃 he repeated。 〃The memories that Baldan gave me tell me that。 These nice safe strongholds in the planetary womb are no protection anymore; the Invid will crack this world apart with their Protoculture devices if it es to that。

〃Spherisians have fought before; long in our past。 Now it's time to fight again…that; or kneel and wait for the hammer to fall on our naked necks。〃

He walked a few steps to one side; to where a spar of shimmering agate stood out from the wall of the sanctuary。 〃I mean to raise rebellion。 I mean to rally every Spherisian who remembers how to fight or is willing to learn。 I mean to throw the Invid off this world or die trying。〃

Teal went over to stand by her son proudly。 A wisecrack of Jack Baker's came back to her; and she decided 
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