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of Healing immediately!〃

Jean Grant operated a small remote unit。 The automated med gurneys on which Rick and the others had been secured rolled forth。 Vince was going to ask how the wheeled gurneys were going to get up onto the flying carpet when a part of it extended like an upholstered tongue; at a gentle incline; like a ramp。 Max walked at his wife's side。

Once Vince had secured the ship; he joined Wolff; Jean; and the rest on the flying carpet。 It didn't give under his considerable weight and felt stable。 More like a flying cloud than a flying carpet; he thought。

At some invisible mand; it rose and wafted away over the city。 Though there was no fairing or windshield; the humans felt only a vague stirring of air…despite the fact that the carpet was traveling quite rapidly。

They looked down on a city busy with merce and trade。 As Veidt and Sarna had explained it; Glike was similar to the old…time Hong Kong。 It was a place of enforced truce; immune to the military conflicts that had raged around it。

As the others gazed; enraptured; at the soaring beauty and exquisite elegance of Glike; Sarna went over to Max。 〃You look tired; Maximilian。 You must rest。 Won't you be seated?〃

He looked around as she gestured with a nod of her head; and saw that the carpet's surface had bunched up to make a kind of lounge chair just his size。 He had no idea how she had done that。

Heaven knew he was exhausted; but all he could think of was Miriya; he refused to leave her side。 Max gestured toward Veidt and the other Haydonites; now deep in conversation with Cabell; no doubt discussing medical procedures。

〃That guy…what's his name; Vowad? Why's he so angry at Veidt?〃

Sarna looked at them。 〃Vowad believes; as many do; that we can coexist with the Invid indefinitely。 That any concession we make; any appeasement; is worth it。 You already know how my husband and I feel。 When Veidt insisted on making his opinions known; the Invid managed to kidnap us both。〃

Max felt sudden misgiving。 〃But…the Invid can't attack you here; isn't that what you told us? The planet's defenses would react。〃

Sarna inclined her head; a strange gesture from one who had no eyes and only contours where a face should be。 〃Indeed。 But there are other ways to bring pressure to bear…the threat of a blockade; or strikes against our trading partners and customers。 And; the Invid have attained great influence over some of our folk…with economic leverage and other things。〃

She moved closer; spoke more quietly。 〃Vowad is perhaps the single most powerful Haydonite; and I think that it was with his cooperation that Tesla kidnapped Veidt and me。 We must be wary of him。〃

As if he had heard; Vowad turned toward Sarna and called out; 〃e; give us your opinion of Cabell's proposed treatment regimen。 Surely; my daughter has much to say? You always did when you were younger。〃

〃Yes; Father;〃 Sarna said; and floated back to the group; to leave Max slack…jawed with surprise。

Lieutenant Isle was no Rick Hunter or Max Sterling; but he handled the Alpha with cool deftness; making the most of its brute power and amazing performance; as the hounds gave chase。

Ghost Riders flying patrol between SDF…3 and Tirol; hampered by the fact that Minmei was aboard the quarry; found themselves at a profound disadvantage。 Minmei's rescuer fired warning bursts that didn't miss by much; making it plain that he was at no great pains to spare anybody who pressed him too hard。

The sentries yielded; but as the armored Alpha plunged for Tiresia more bogeys appeared on the screens; scrambled from SDF…3。 Minmei could hear Isle's breath rasp。 〃I thought Edwards would be distracted getting the pursuit of the Zentraedi under way;〃 he admitted。 〃Thought we'd have a little more lead time。〃

She gave a scornful laugh; shaking her head wearily。 〃You think T。 R。 Edwards is going to go after Breetai personally! And take a chance that things here will get away from him? You've got a lot to learn; Lieutenant。〃

The kind of thing I've learned the hard way; she thought。 〃So; what now?〃

He wasn't sure; the decision to help her escape Edwards's sadism had e rather on the spur of the moment。 〃We'll get you to REF Base Tirol; to Lang's bailiwick; for a start。〃

〃Why? So The Great General has an excuse to kill Lang? Why don't you save everybody the trouble and just drop me off right here?〃

He felt at a loss; but brought the fighter onto course for Base Tirol anyway; for want of anything better to do。 One plan had been to try to link up with Breetai; but the Valivarre; the hijacked Zentraedi mining op ship loaded with the all…important monopole ore; was already beyond the VT's range。

〃Stop feeling sorry for yourself;〃 he said in an odd monotone。 〃It never does anybody any good。 Now; tell me what you want。〃

〃I…I want Jonathan。〃 She was trying to hold back more tears; because she knew he was right about feeling sorry。 〃Jonathan Wolff! Just to be with him!〃

〃So。〃 The word had a hollow; final sound; the way he said it。 〃Getting to Lang and the council is still a first step。 Hang on。〃 He increased power again。

〃Y…you still haven't told me why you're doing this;〃 she strained to get out; as the mecha thundered under her。

She didn't have a flight helmet; so she could still only hear him over his own helmet's tinny external speaker。 〃I don't like seeing people pushed around; Minmei。〃

Just when he should have been enjoying his triumph; Edwards had to suffer the galling news of Minmei's escape。

At first he had thought it was just another of her temper tantrums; set off by news that he had permission to send a contingent after the fleeing Zentraedi and their stolen ore。 He realized now; though; that she still thought she loved that idiot Jonathan Wolff。

The half of T。 R。 Edwards's face that wasn't hidden under his gleaming metal cowl burned red。 She was his property; and he had no intention of losing her…not to Wolff and not to anyone else。

Of course; it was out of the question to admit publicly that she had left him。 The word was put out; to a limited number of key people; that she had been kidnapped。 Minutes later; news reached him of the chase after the armored
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