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The capsule lay on a beach that scintillated like a field of stars; each infinitesimal grain throwing back its white or multicolored rays。 The sea that crashed against the shore was as unreal as some puter construct; so radiant; its hues so quick…changing。 Distant mountains shone like luminescent fountains。

Baldan felt his mother's hand on his arm。 He turned to see Teal wearing an expression he had never seen on her before。

The arrival in the capsule had driven home to her; as nothing else had; how serious her circumstances and her son's were。 What was bewildering her was that she was unexpectedly more concerned about his well…being than her own。 That was a mon phenomenon among some of the other races; of course…look how the Karbarrans had agonized over the fate of their young…but it was new to her; and troubling since it involved an offspring she had never wanted。

When had she e to love her son? Teal couldn't recall; and yet there was an abrupt welling…up in her; and a desperate fear for his safety。 If the capsule had been capable of a return trip to Ark Angel; she would have taken it with Baldan; or at the very least sent him back。

But the road back was closed to them; they knew that when they volunteered。 Teal studied the gemstone landscape for a moment; then pointed。

〃There。〃 She set off toward a seam of crystal that had been upthrust by a rift in the planet's surface。 Baldan hurried to catch up。 By the time he did; his mother was standing before the glorious light of the stratum and undressing。

〃Wh…what。。。〃 he fumbled。 Something within him was calling out; and something within Spheris was answering。 But he didn't know how to be a part of the symphony all around him。

Teal stood unclothed…her chiton fluttering down around her ankles…but not naked。 She stepped free of the garment and was like a magnificent beacon; moving toward the exposed seam before her with arms spread wide as if to embrace a lover。

She turned to her son。 〃e; time for you to travel the Crystal Highways。〃

Baldan threw aside the half tunic he wore。 As his mother did; he pressed himself flat against the glittering rock。 The planet sang to them in high; clear tones。

For a moment they were half merged with it; like Mesoamerican bas…reliefs。 In another moment they were gone; leaving their discarded clothing and the empty capsule behind。 The only sound was the flashing sea striking rainbow surf from the diamond…dust sand。

〃Well! My dear; dear General Edwards! What a delightful surprise!〃

Edwards held his face in unrevealing lines; forcing himself not to curl his lip at the green goop streaming off the Regent…the nutrient bath; or royal jelly; or whatever the hell it was these maggots liked to splash around in。

He also contained his anger。 The Invid ruler had taken his own sweet time about answering the general's transmission; as if knowing that he had the Human at a disadvantage。

〃Things here have bee rather。。unterproductive;〃 Edwards said; tight…lipped。 〃I think it best; strategically; that we unite our forces at once。〃

〃Ah。〃 The enormous liquid black eyes betrayed nothing as the Regent inspected the man。 〃In that case; do e here to the Home Hive; by all means! Er; how many ships will you be bringing; and how many troops?〃

Edwards's jaw muscles jumped。 〃There's been trouble here。 I'll require a bit of assistance。〃

Something moved up to sit next to the Regent…a Hellcat of extraordinary size; wearing a jeweled collar。 The ones destroyed in the Haydon IV battle had been replaced; Edwards surmised。 〃How inconvenient;〃 the Regent clucked。

The Invid threw his arms wide。 〃Because; as you can see; you're about to miss out on the opportunity to serve the One True Ruler of the Universe! My life will be a roll call of triumphs! All Creation will grovel at my feet; as my courtiers do even now!〃

He lowered his voice craftily。 〃And then won't my wife; my precious Regis; e begging for forgiveness; eh?〃

Edwards saw only an empty; echoing hall in the background behind the Regent。 Great suns! He's mad as a march hare!

But he was the general's only hope for survival。 〃I want you to think for a moment what will happen if the council gets me now。 The REF will be reconsolidated into a pure fighting force with nothing holding it back; and there'll be nothing to stop the bined forces of the near stars to e after you! Am I getting through to you?〃

It seemed he had。 The Regent swayed for a moment; a new clarity ing into his voice。 〃We can't have that; can we?〃

〃I want you to send your army to get me and the people loyal to me;〃 Edwards pressed on。

The Invid asked guilelessly; 〃But why should I; when you have an army of your own right there?〃

The Invid Brain! The Inorganics! 〃Damn you; explain!〃 Edwards grated。 〃There's no time for games!〃

The Regent wasn't so demented that he had missed Edwards's point about the REF; he activated controls at his end of the connection that displayed instructions at Edwards's end。

〃Do stay in touch;〃 the Regent bade him; and his image vanished。

But Edwards was already busy; switching on the Living puter; the artificial Brain the Invid had left behind under Tirol in the wake of their defeat。 His personal guards looked on uneasily as the massive globe of specialized tissue came to life in its vat。

From the catab rooms where the inert Inorganics had; at his mand; been stored like so much cordwood; Edwards heard stirrings。

His lips drew back from his teeth in a canine smile; his good eye became glassy。 He looked as insane as the Regent。


Consider humble clay。
Small amounts of it can speed chemical processes by a factor of 10;000。 Its phenomenally intricate layered…sheet structure gives one pound (Earth norm) of it as much total surface area as fifty football fields。 It can store information as patterns of ions。 It's perfectly plausible that self…replicating crystals brought forth a 〃proto…organism〃 as the jumping…off point of life on Spheris。
But those who travel the Crystal Highways are unimpressed with such theorizing。 They explain it all with a name。
A。 Jow; The Historical Haydon

〃Max! Pay attention!〃

〃Uh?〃 He blinked。

Jean Grant;
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