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ustful of Lang; but that did not seem to be the case。 Vince figured that Lang was so far outside of Human norms…a Merlin of Robotechnology…that people simply were not very surprised by anything he did。

And; since no one who had remained behind on Tirol (except for Lang) had any firsthand experience with Janice in her android persona; people seemed to take the news matter…of…factly。 There was no sudden outbreak of paranoia。

For his part; Lang refused any ment once he had assured himself that Jan was in no danger。 But Wolff thought he detected something more in the man's manner than a mere concern that an invention was functioning; or that a strategem might have backfired。

Counsel for the prosecution had been summing up his case when Edwards; no longer able to restrain himself; leapt up and intervened。 No one was sure what transpired then; it was in low tones。 The lawyer sat down with a look in his eyes like a hound called to heel; and Edwards stood forth to take up the argument。

〃You have every documentation;〃 he said to the silent council; 〃every citation; every particular。 There is no doubt here! These people; and the others who've temporarily evaded capture; have defied and subverted duly constituted authority; and conspired to stage a mutiny。 Or more precisely; a coup。〃

Edwards was about to throw his arms wide; but knew that grand gestures had long since lost their effect on the sort of people who made up the council。 Instead he paused; pensive。 〃These were my brothers…in…arms。 Don't you suppose this very scene is agony to me? But right is right; and treason is treason。 And these people you see here。。。are guilty。〃

Wolff and the others were watching Edwards's grandstand play; but Vince Grant was keeping an eye on Lang。 And when Edwards was finally done with his stemwinder speech (to some considerable applause both within the hall and from outside); Lang stood up。

Most of the onlookers and viewers were braced for an impassioned plea。 Vince winked at Exedore; and Exedore winked back。

Scott Bernard stood to one side; looking proud。 Once people found out his part in tripping up Edwards; he figured; a lot of folks were going to know his name。

In an altogether neutral voice; Lang rattled; 〃Hereby…submitted under my seal as council member; the following recorded data; pertinent to these proceedings。〃

There were REF screens rigged everywhere in that corner of the Royal Hall。 They were all abruptly alight with the scene between Lang and Edwards; the scene Edwards had been so sure his scramblers would render private。

Edwards had been given to understand his interference devices…the ones in his epaulets and so on…would keep him safe from surveillance。 They had done so in the past; hadn't they? But now he saw that that had only been because Lang wished it so; in order that Edwards be drawn into this trap。

Forewarned; certain council members had caused riot police and MPs to be stationed in strategic points; but throughout the playing of the recording; the Royal Hall and the streets outside were silent; just silent。 There was a final scene of Edwards; slinking away and nursing the wrists Lang had bruised so terribly…had only stopped himself short of crushing by an act of will。

Edwards and his staff were on their feet; crying that this was some electronic/Protoculture forgery; but Lang's people were already submitting the authenticated taped originals that would prove differently。

Justine Huxley stood; too; severe and cold。 〃I think it's obvious that there are mitigating circumstances here。 Do I have a consensus?〃

Under her withering glare; with the undeniable evidence of the tapes; and the cries of the crowds rising outside; none of the would…be dissenting council members dared meet her eye。 There was a tacit assent。 All in an instant; Edwards saw that his plans were shattered and that; at least in terms of the council; he stood alone。

Huxley went on; 〃And so all the principals; General Edwards included; will surrender to the custody of the…Stop that man!〃

This; because Edwards had vaulted the railing and sprinted for the door。 Adams was a half step behind him; but the prosecutors froze; and the MPs closed in on them。

Over at the defense table; Wolff was nearest。 He was up on his feet; dashing off after his archenemy。 Vince and the others would have helped; but court officers had already moved in to restrain them。

Breetai came to his feet; but there wasn't any way for him to reach the general short of stepping in among the Humans and trampling some。 And armed guards had fanned out to see to it that he kept his place。

Wolff raced after Edwards like his own namesake; his blood boiling for a fight。 Without warning; a blur came homing in at an angle in an attempt to tackle Edwards。 It was Scott Bernard。 But he lacked the weight to pull it off; and merely swung Edwards partway round just as Wolff was closing in。

Edwards tore Scott off him in a transport of rage and was about to break the boy's neck。 Wolff had the option of going for Edwards and taking a chance that Scott would be killed; or grappling to save Scott。 Everything in him told him to do the former; many lives had already been lost to the general's schemes; and it was worth the sacrifice to stop him。

But he found himself struggling to save the boy; hampered enough by the effort so that he couldn't get in the first blow。 Wolff got Scott partway out of Edwards's grasp; but in the meantime the general landed a vicious flat…handed chop and nearly downed Wolff。

Edwards released Scott and was about to follow up and finish off the colonel; but his all…pervading sense of self…preservation halted him。 Court officers were closing in。 He pivoted and sprinted on。

The guards stationed at the doors were the biggest in the REF military…police contingent; and everyone expected them to grab Edwards and Adams; throw them down; and sit on them until such time as Justine Huxley said to stand up。

But Edwards caught the first MP's hand in some kind of take…away hold; levered her aside; then drew a handgun from beneath his jacket and shot the second; a massive sergeant who was trying to get his own pistol out。

Everyone was mil
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