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nounced in the morning that he would be remaining behind。 Rick thought that the old sage had sensed something important about Miriya's situation; but Cabell refused to talk about his motives。

As for Max; he decided that rather than simply sitting and waiting; he would devote himself to the effort to rebuild the planet。

〃I'm sure Jean and Cabell and the Haydonites can make her well again;〃 Max told Rick as the Sentinels prepared to depart for Spheris。 〃You'll see。 By the time we're set for the final assault on Optera; I'll be back in a VT and so will Miriya。〃

〃I know you will;〃 Rick said with conviction he didn't really feel。 〃We can't have you guys missing out on the grand finale。〃

The two shook hands and Lisa kissed Max's cheek。 Soon; the SDF…7 class cruiser was lifting off。 Gaps in the rank and file of their fighters had been filled by several hundred amazon volunteers; but in Rick's opinion the force was still woefully inadequate in terms of media。

Originally; production facilities on Karbarra and…it had been hoped…Haydon IV were to have kept the Sentinels' plement of war machines at full strength。 But production problems had arisen on Karbarra: a fundamental inability of the Invid…designed manufacturing equipment to turn out satisfactory Earth…style mecha; no matter what adjustments the Karbarrans tried。 As for Haydon IV; it simply wouldn't have media…production capability soon enough to be of any use。

But Sentinels' mecha had played very little part in freeing Haydon IV and; from all reports; would be even less useful on Spheris。 Time would tell: Rick and Lisa were anxious to survey the situation on Spheris; at the very least; as soon as possible。 Like many of their panions; they now grew frustrated and ill at ease in between blows against the Invid empire。

T。R。 Edwards knew a particular triumph as the special council meeting convened。 There was only one item on the agenda: Edwards's renewed request for martial law and what amounted to emergency dictatorial powers。 To the general's vast satisfaction; Lang and the other opposition had been either unable or unwilling to block the meeting。

At Edwards's urging; the entire session was being transmitted over the Base Tirol public…information channel。 He was gambling that; in addition to winning over the council; he could get the subordinate officers and nons and enlisted ratings of the REF to hail him as well; paving the way for his eventual takeover。

Now Edwards made his case again; plete with charts and display…screen aids。 The excuse this time was that Edwards promised he could squeeze more monopole ore from Fantoma if the military was given plete run of the operation; up to and including drafting Tiresian laborers。 Lang and Dr。 Penn didn't even seem to be inclined to dispute the facts and figures Edwards's people trumped up; and Exedore had not even deigned to attend。

All was going well when the wrist municator on Lang's forearm toned。 He sent an acknowledging signal through it and waited politely for Edwards to finish。 But before the vote could be called; Lang got the floor。 〃My colleague; Lord Exedore; informs me that my munications center has received a signal that is of central importance in this issue。〃

With that; Exedore's face appeared in the central screen; a billboard…size panel that dominated one end of the council chambers。 〃Here is the transmission received just a short time ago。〃

Before Edwards could object; a familiar and; to Edwards; despised face…as handsome as a media star's…appeared。 〃This is Colonel Jonathan Wolff; transmitting from the bridge of the REF vessel Valivarre。 With me are mander Vince Grant and Lord Breetai。 We have with us all the monopole ore that was mined on Fantoma。

〃Escorting us are the SDF cruisers Tokugawa and Jutland; which acpanied us on operations involved in the liberation of the planet Haydon IV from Invid domination。 It is our intention to turn over the monopole ore to Dr。 Lang's production facility and to answer the charges being made against us and other Sentinels。

〃All we ask is that the council now; by public vote; insure us the fair hearing to which we are entitled by the REF Code of Military Justice and by United Earth Government law。 Members of the council; we await your word。〃

Wolff's expression softened a bit。 〃You're our friends; our rades in arms…some of you are our loved ones。 We haven't played you false。〃 He showed just a touch of that debonair smile of his。

Lang was back on his feet as the message ended。 〃They won't have to wait long for my decision! I say yes; let these people have their fair and public hearing!〃

When the question was called; Justine Huxley; Obstat; Rheinehardt; and others opposed to Edwards were quick and loud in their vote of support。 Edwards's faction on the council did some grumbling; but most either abstained or went with the momentum of the opposition。 Few were inclined to deny the Sentinels due process in a role…call vote。 Also; they all knew how critical the monopole ore was。

Edwards had gone white with anger。 That blithering idiot; the Regent! Why hadn't he warned me that this might happen?

For that matter; why hadn't Edwards's own munications…intercept people discovered this plot? It pointed to the possibility that Lang was aware of the technical eavesdropping Edwards's organization was doing; and had exploited it to his; Lang's; advantage; lulling Edwards and then using some unknown 〃back channel〃 of contact with Breetai。

This was a major setback; and one piped through the orbiting SDF…3 as well as all of the REF installations on Tirol…Edwards was rocked physically by a sudden realization。 Wolff's face and voice had gone out over the PI channel!

Minmei's jailers had turned some switch that activated the telescreen built into the wall of her cell just as T。R。 Edwards made his triumphant entry to the council chambers。 The screen; installed in the cells for interrogation; agitprop; and 〃motivational〃 purposes; had always been dark before。

Minmei watched Edwards's performance with a trapped animal's dumb despair。 The appearance of Jonathan Wolff convinced her that she had at last lost every shred of sanity。

But it was t
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