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the walls of the room。 Kazianna put her hand on Breetai's shoulder; and Breetai placed his hand on hers but kept his attention on Rick Hunter。 Size meant nothing in the arena of debate; and Breetai; as canny as any Borgia or Caesar; knew that。

〃We congratulate ourselves for the work we've done; as we should;〃 Rick went on。 〃But what about Spheris? And Peryton? Things there are as bad as they were here on Haydon IV; don't you think? Or maybe worse?

〃So the choice is between going on to end the misery the Invid are inflicting on those planets; or going back to clear our names。 Well; here's my vote: I have to live with the memories of what I do; or don't do; not what people say about me。 I say we go on; and Edwards be damned。〃

He resumed his seat amid an almost equal mix of cheers and objections。 But Lisa was looking at him with a peculiar cant to her chin。

No more barnstorming; live…for…today; seat…of…the…pants daredevil; she thought。 He's someone else now; like we all are。 Older but wiser。 And yet he was arguing the cause he had argued against before; when Burak wanted to turn the timetable upside down。 A sense of fairness; maybe。

Lisa reached over beneath the table and gave her husband's hand a squeeze。 Rick looked a little startled; then gave her a squeeze back。

After the lesser questions were resolved; the session settled into a collision between the two factions。 Breetai's point was a valid one; even a frightening one: if Edwards got control of the council and undermined Lang's authority; the general might wrest control of the new fleet of space…fold ships。 That in turn could make him unstoppable。

But there were many who felt as Rick did; having fought the Invid oppression on several worlds now。 Among the most determined of these were the freed Praxian slaves。

The dispute cut across lines of species; gender; and even family; however。 The goliath voices of the Zentraedi and the roars of the Karbarrans and the objections of the Humans and the other races' outcries threatened to turn the debate to a riot。

Rick had barely spoken since his first statement。 But when it seemed the Sentinels were about to lose their sense of purpose and revert to sheer quarreling; he rose again。

〃Um; I don't see where there's anything we can do but promise。 Someone has to answer Edwards's charges; and someone has to fight for Spheris and Peryton; now!〃

He dipped into his pocket and pulled out a good…luck piece; a Kennedy half…dollar his father had given him。 〃What d'you say; Breetai? I'd trust you with either mission。 Heads; you go to Spheris and I face Edwards?〃

He showed both sides of the coin; to prove there was no fix。

Breetai had eased off his chair to kneel by the table。 His face cracked wide in the first true smile he had allowed himself in some time。 Breetai held out his palm; as big as a desktop。 〃Flip it here; Rick Hunter。〃

Rick did。 Breetai caught it; clapping his palms together; and opened his hands again to show them all。 It was tails。

There would be plenty to do tomorrow; but for the time being; everyone needed an adjournment。

When all the others were dispersed and they were strolling under strange constellations; Kazianna Hesh took Breetai's hand。 〃It's not the oute you looked for; I know; my love; but still I think it's not an unfair one。〃

〃Perhaps。 But I tell you this: Edwards will be stopped; even if I have to do it alone。〃

She kissed his cheek。 〃Breetai; you will never face any danger alone again…not while I draw breath。〃


The military scholars missed the point entirely。 Max and Miriya; indisputably the greatest Robotech warriors of all; were serving the source of their prowess by laying down their arms for a time。 Life made them do it…the life growing within the onetime Quadrono mander; fathered by her erstwhile enemy。
Life; triumphing over death。
Theresa Duvall; Wingmates: the Story of Max and Miriya Sterling

The work to rebuild Glike and repair damage done to other parts of the planet during the terrible clash between Inorganics and antibodies had begun literally while the dust was still settling。

If Haydon IV's world…size instrumentality had been intact; it could have acplished the rebuilding at a miraculous rate。 But much of that instrumentality was either disabled or obliterated or pletely exhausted。 The Haydonites threw themselves into the job with a religious fervor; though; and they had help。

The tens of thousands of freed Praxians were among the most willing to help。 The warrior women were a homeless race now that their own planet had been destroyed in the upheavals following the Invid conquest and Genesis Pit experiments。 Many thought sparsely populated Haydon IV might offer them a fresh start。

It was plain that Arla…Non longed to lead her amazons on a holy war against the Invid; but since only a few could go along on Ark Angel; it was the queen's duty to stay with the majority of her subjects; to guide and govern them。 Arla…Non expressed every faith in Bela; though; and confirmed that in rituals that the Praxians barred all outsiders from attending。

The contingent that would return to face Edwards's charges before the council was led by Breetai; along with Vince Grant and Jonathan Wolff。 While many of the Diamondback and Joker REF fighters wanted to volunteer for service to fill the depleted ranks of the Sentinels fliers; that was voted down。 If Edwards made his power play; it might require every loyal pilot in the REF to put down a coup。

Jean Grant; like Max Sterling; refused to leave the planet as long as Miriya was still in a a and unable to be moved。 Miriya had stabilized; but the outlook was still bleak。 Nevertheless; Jean had immersed herself in learning the healing arts of the Haydonites; blending them with her own in the hope of curing Miriya。

Cabell had wavered; thinking that he could be of some help if he stayed; but the others said his insights to the functioning of Protoculture and Robotechnology might be more important than ever in the battles ahead。 He spent a night closeted alone with his thoughts; and announced in the morning that he would be remaining behind。 Rick thought that the old sage had sensed 
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