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Learna; and the rest would be carried back to their homes。

Max Sterling took no part in the impromptu celebrations because he spent every waking moment by Miriya's bedside and often slept there as well。 She had lost consciousness shortly after the Regent's flagship lifted off; and had sunk into a deep a less than an hour later。 Even the Haydonite healers were mystified by her condition; which was caused by some interaction of her impossible pregnancy; exposure to the Garudan atmosphere; and the exertions of the battle in Glike。

Tesla and Burak had reappeared。 Tesla was now taller; more Humaniform。 Most notably; he had a mouth; and spoke with it。 Things were so disorganized in Glike that there wasn't much time for ment。 But everyone who saw him groaned; either out loud or mentally。 Jeez; he was bad enough as it was! But now that he's got a mouth to shoot off。。。

Breetai's news that Tesla had strangled the simulagent had everyone looking at the scientist with renewed suspicion; of course; and there was vague talk of bringing some kind of war…crimes charge against him。 But Tesla managed to deflect it; for the moment anyway; by pointing out that his victim was an Invid espionage agent and that; in any case; Tesla himself was technically a POW。 The waters thus muddied; he remained at liberty and at least nominally a Sentinels collaborator。

Tesla had considered parting ways with the Sentinels; but faced the conclusion that his key to Ultimate Transformation lay in visiting the other worlds that had felt Haydon's personal touch…Spheris and Peryton。 And the only reasonably safe way to do that lay in the pany of the Sentinels。 Besides; trying an escape would risk the wrath of the Karbarrans; the Praxians; the Humans; and the rest; and even with his enhanced powers; Tesla secretly trembled to think of what that meant。

And so when he was finally brought before the leadership; Bela pinking him in the side with a shortsword; Tesla deflected their accusations and inquiries about the changes the Flower's Fruit had wrought in him。

Instead; he said in his blandest voice; 〃We have a mon cause; you must put aside your hatred and mistrust; and work with me in friendship。〃

The core group of the Sentinels were in favor of roasting him alive; or at least putting a leash and exploding collar back on him; but the very bylaws of the Sentinels; and of Haydon militated against that。 And so; when the Sentinels came together to deliberate on their next move; Tesla had his say。

〃My people are a peaceful race; who can deny this? Did we not live in tranquility for a million eons; until outsiders taught us crime and sin and hate? As the Regent and Regis were deranged by this experience; so have our rulers warped the Invid。

〃Have I myself not mitted murder most foul for your cause? I; who never raised a hand in violence to any living thing before in my life? But as you are willing to wage war for peace; so I have done in my own way。〃

There were angry faces all around the new conference hall that had been raised by Robotech mecha and Haydonite science there in the ruins of Glike。 Many glowered and murmured; but there was no arguing the facts。 Janice Em; wearing the aspect of her android self as she sometimes did these days; looked over at Rem to see his reaction; wondering what the opinion of the genetic heir of Zor would be。 Rem's face was resolutely unrevealing。

As for Breetai; he was studying Janice Em and wondering about Lang's motives in creating her。 Fortunately for the android and her creator; the Sentinels seemed to regard her as their ally and rade in arms; rather than as some REF version of the simulagent。

Tesla's strange new mouth; almost doll…like; formed his words with an uncanny grace and lilt。

〃But my people deserve a chance to redeem themselves and make restitution!〃 Tesla pressed on。 〃I have had a chance to learn peace and restraint and love in my time among the Sentinels; and…〃

Here his voice broke in calculated fashion and he made a show of holding back tears。 〃Destroy the Regent and the Regis; yes! But return to us the Flower of Life; or give us whatever world upon which the Flower choses to prosper。 And then we will be the harmless; inward…turning; passionate Invid of old。 A thousand generations of genetic heritage call out to us to be so! And if Fate grants it; I would take humble pleasure in making my small contribution to the Destiny of my species。

〃We were given life; as you were! Let us live!〃 That subject was tabled for the time being; but the Sentinels leadership exchanged troubled looks。 Tesla might be a plete moron militarily; but he was a consummate politician。

Maybe the two go hand in hand; Rick thought; reflecting back to Senator Russo and his ilk on Earth。

Other matters came to the fore and were more quickly and decisively dealt with。

Breetai argued strongly that all the Sentinels; liberated Praxians included; should return to Tirol to fight Edwards's scurrilous charges。 It looked like he would carry the question; not through guile or politicking; but simply through the force of his conviction。

Rick looked around; wondering who was going to muster the counterargument。 But he remembered that Baldan of Spheris was dead; and Teal; the other leading Spherisian; was still closeted and caring for Baldan's death…growth。 The only notable Perytonian; Burak; had been silent and impossible to talk to ever since the Garudan campaign; somehow under Tesla's spell。

And Spheris and Peryton were the last two worlds on the Sentinels' tactical charts; the last two from which the Invid must be uprooted。 Rick scanned the room and realized that there were few Spherisians…and none who would speak…and no Perytonians at all; aside from silent Burak。

Rick was as surprised as anyone when he heard himself address the assembly。

〃I've fought against Great Breetai and alongside him; and in all this time; to my recollection; I've never actually found the nerve to contradict him。〃

At that ment; there were rumblings of laughter from the Zentraedi; seated like Norse gods in immense chairs around the walls of the room。 Kazianna put her hand on Breetai's shoulder; and Breetai placed his hand on h
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