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 that Minmei had made a break for freedom。

〃You said you want to go to Tiresia; didn't you?〃 the VT flier was saying。 〃And perhaps to Garuda; or Haydon IV? I'll see that you get to wherever you want to go; Minmei。 But Tiresia's the obligatory first stop。〃

There was some resonance in his voice; even over the speaker; that she thought she recognized。 Minmei sighed and ran her hand through her fine black hair again。 Plainly; no VT could make a star…jump; and the few remaining REF vessels that could go superluminal were scarcely the kind of spacecraft you could sign out like a borrowed fanjet。

But there was something in the man's tone; something steely and yet passionate; that didn't sound like it brooked failure。

She vaguely remembered saying to him; outside Edwards's quarters; that she wanted to go to Tiresia or Garuda; but the beginning of their adventure was an alcoholic mini…blackout。 She was not sure what her plan had been; though; except that Jonathan Wolff and Rick Hunter were out there someplace。

She shook her head slowly。 〃I don't…I don't。。。〃

He took her hand again。 〃Don't worry; Minmei。〃

Then he led her off again。 Minmei lost track of things for a while; but Wearily realized at one point that he was shoving oversize deck slippers onto her bare feet。 At another point; she felt something sting her arm and saw that he had given her a shot with a medikit ampule。

〃Antinausea;〃 REF # 666…60…937 explained。 〃It makes it tough to see out the cockpit canopy if you heave your cookies。〃

〃Cockpit?〃 she repeated; trying to figure out what he was getting at。 Then she realized that he had her standing near a hatch that led to a hangar deck。 There were the distant whines of VTs being readied for flight。

〃Wait right here;〃 he said after he led her into the vast; mostly darkened hangar deck。 Minmei did not get to ask what he was doing; he was gone。

The antinausea drug settled her queasiness and brought her around a bit; too。 She was drawing deep breaths and burping a bit; sitting on the deck; when he caught her hands and pulled Minmei upward。

〃All set; just follow me。 That's our ship over there。〃


And then they were walking among the parked mecha of the hangar deck。 Welding sparks leapt and humming maint…crew machinery made noise in the distance; and she could hear men and women yelling or cursing or cajoling or laughing as they sweated to keep the REF's fighting forces operational。

He was leading her toward an armored Alpha; a lusterless gray fighter trimmed in olive drab; bulked by its augmentation pods。 It was one of the most formidable ships in the REF inventory; and she didn't think it likely that it had been assigned to one of Lang's 〃six…month…wonder〃 pilots。

Minmei saw the boarding ladder before her and it brought back a flood of memories。 She was a non…tech person; why did mecha insist on playing such an overwhelming part in her life?

Then somebody yelled from the distance; and more voices took up the cry。 She realized woozily that the voices were ing her way。 She had both hands on the boarding ladder and one foot on the first rung when she became aware of a ruckus behind her。

By the time she turned around; there were three or four flight…deck personnel laid out flat; unconscious。 Minmei blinked at them owlishly。 What…

Then REF # 666…60…937 was pushing her up the ladder; loading her into the copilot's seat; and then belting her in。 Apparently he knew all the right codes; the launch…cat airlock accepted the powerful Alpha fighter and flung it out into space。

Green; looming Fantoma cast its light on them and their ship; and Tirol was a gibbous splotch of orange…brown…gray not far from it。 The VT pilot turned his craft toward Tirol。

Suddenly his instruments were squealing and beeping for his attention。 〃Hot scramble from SDF…3; of course;〃 she heard him mutter。 〃They want you back。 They're ing to get you。〃


〃Sit tight。〃 He hit the auxiliaries for full military power and dove toward Tirol。 Eager pursuers formed up for the hunt。

Minmei; pressed back in her seat; looking out at the unknowable stars; felt tears pressed from her eyes by acceleration; to wet the headrest behind her。

〃Here they e;〃 said REF # 666…60…937。


In the case of Garudan evolution; there can be no question that a wide spectrum of intracellular organelles developed through the cannibalistic warfare among bacteria that led to an amazing degree of symbiosis。 The interactions of the entire Garudan ecosystem; the planet's dominant species included; give weight to those who argue that the evolution of multicellular organisms resulted from the extracellular symbiosis of monocellular organisms。
Like ours; a Garudan's body is posed of about ten quadrillion animal cells and another one hundred quadrillion bacterial cells。 But the range of microorganic activity and variety is far greater; and the interaction of the symbionts far more plex。
The upshot is that a Human who is exposed to Garudan atmosphere is like a pocket calculator plugged into a mainframe: it is not designed for it and will quickly burn out。
Perhaps unsurprisingly; in light of recent research; the Garudans have a simple explanation for the extraordinary nature of their planet's ecosystem: 〃Haydon wished it so。〃
Cabell; A Pedagogue Abroad: Notes on the Sentinels Campaign

Vince Grant's hand covered Lisa Hunter's forehead and then some。 He drew it back; moist with her perspiration。 〃She's still feverish。〃 He struggled with himself for a moment; not sure if he could or should say what else he was thinking。

Jean; Vince's wife; nodded slightly。 The patients were all that way: Rick and Lisa; Karen Penn and Miriya Sterling。 They were atose and failing fast; as a result of their exposure to the Garudan atmosphere。 They were tied down on gurneys to help control their intermittent seizures。

The shuttlecraft's deckplates vibrated under Vince's boot soles。 〃Jean; what if Veidt's wrong; or the Invid double…cross us?〃

Somebody had to ask the question。 The fate of worlds was riding on what the Sentinels would do。 Moralists would say that the lives of four individuals were as important as the life of a p
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