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The city was in turmoil; with Praxian slaves abandoning their work assignments; tearing off the inert headbands; and either fleeing their overseers or attacking them head…on with whatever weapons came to hand。 The amazons fought with unflinching courage and great skill; but the Invid garrison was large and troops were being rushed in from all over the planet。 It could only be a matter of time before the uprising was crushed。

The defenses of Haydon IV itself were staying out of the battle; and Sarna knew why。 It would be easy enough for the vast intellect of Vowad to persuade the planet's systemry that this was a limited conflict in which the Invid were in the right; technically; but needed no help in reestablishing order。 Thus; the glory of Haydonite civilization was safe from all…out warfare。

Sarna herself had attempted to get a message through to the Sentinels' cruiser…still orbiting far beyond Haydon's defensive limits…to let them know what was happening。 But her father had interfered with the transmission somehow; and there had been no response。

Veidt was deep within the plex somewhere; along with the other Sentinels; and Sarna wasn't about to abandon them。 She gathered her resolve and sent the immense carpet sailing down toward the roof of the Central Slavepen。

〃No!〃 She heard the cry even as the carpet came to rest; as gently as a feather。 It was Vowad; on a circular mat。 He brought it in on her own carpet; confronting her。

〃This is madness! e away with me at once!〃

She shook her head。 〃My friends are inside here。〃

Vowad was vibrating with anger。 〃They're doomed! And you are; too; unless you e away with me this instant!〃

〃You could prevent that; Father。 Call down the wrath of Haydon IV upon the Invid!〃

〃Sarna; it is my duty to preserve our world; not see it destroyed!〃

〃Then go;〃 she said; 〃and leave me here。 For I swore a different vow。〃

Jack Baker threw his hand up and skipped back as the burning Odeon bounced off the column and crashed onto its back。

Bela and Gnea were already crowding to get past him; to Arla…Non; and it was a bit like being caught in the middle of a buffalo stampede。


〃Your Majesty!〃

There was no use in trying to restrain them。 They had been frustrated enough by the sudden stopping of the elevator。 The plex's power supply was disrupted from the attack on the mand center; and from the sapper charges set off by Wolff。 The ensuing counterattack by the Invid hadn't helped either。 By the time the elevator was moving again; Janice Em was the only calm one aboard。

Now Arla…Non waved from the shelter of an Invid design feature not far away; a thing that looked like a dendrite。 Lisa and Rick and some of the others were there; rather dumbfounded。

〃Look out!〃 Jan burst past Jack to sweep the air with fire from her Enforcer rifle。 Everyone else saw what she meant; and also fired at the skirmisher ship and its Armored Officer that had e barreling round the corner for a low…level recon。 Flier and Invid flew apart like a clay pigeon。

There was a lot of confusion then; particularly regarding the odd…looking being who only halfway resembled Janice Em at this point。 Finally; Jack got them to understand that there was a bolthole: the elevator could take them clear to the roof。

〃That will do;〃 Veidt told them all。 〃Sarna is there; with the carpet。〃

Lisa had done some quick mental addition。 〃But we can only ferry up twenty or thirty at a time。 We've got to hold on down here in the meantime! It might be hours!〃

〃Good; that will give us a while longer yet to kill Invid;〃 Arla…Non said blithely。

Wounded were being taken aboard for the first trip; but there were also plenty of functionals to protect them once they got up above。 Rick took Max's arm。 〃Get Miriya up there; too。 Now! Don't argue with me; dammit。〃

Max was indecisive for a second; then gripped Rick's arm and turned to get his wife and unborn child to safety。 Rick discovered that Lisa was staring at him strangely。

She gave him an arch look。 〃You're not going to insist I be evacuated with the injured and helpless?〃

Rick sighed; and his face colored some。 〃Not you; Tiger。〃 Her answering smile warmed him。

Veidt was staring into the elevator。 〃So; the Awareness has seen fit to aid us。 And you are not what you seemed; Janice Em。 Still; you must be eloquent! We have a great deal to discuss。〃

〃But not until later;〃 Jan said。 〃I want you to take the elevator to the roof; it will respond to you now。 I can do more good down here。〃 She hefted the Enforcer rifle she held。

Veidt inclined his head slowly。 〃And; more to the point; Sarna is up there now; eh? And; unless I miss my guess; Vowad?〃

Jan had learned how to read much of the hidden information of Haydon IV。 She knew how matters stood among the three。 She nodded。 〃There may still be time to convince him; but I'm not the one to do it。〃

Without another word; Veidt entered the elevator among the wounded and the vengeful。 Jan turned to Rick and Lisa。 〃I guess I don't look much like my PR photos; hmm?〃

There was a yell from the battle line as another Inorganic attack began。 Rick watched the elevator doors close as it began its ascent。 The Sentinels' misson had been rife with mind…boggling shocks and surprises; that Janice was an android seemed to fit in with the unbelievable scheme of things。

〃You look pretty damn good to us; Jan。〃

Sarna and Vowad were locked in a battle of wills; the huge carpet 
vibrating under them。 If he couldn't persuade his daughter to e with him; he resolved; he would force her to e; by taking the carpet under his mand。

But she was fighting him with more mental force than he would have believed she could marshal。 Though she was of his stock; she lacked his ages of training and experience…and yet something within her was making her very nearly her father's equal in willpower。

But the battle became moot as a structure on the roof swung open and the elevator appeared with its cargo。 Wounded amazons were assisted onto the carpet; and able…bodied ones ran to set up firing positions。 Max led Miriya to the carpet and eased her down。

They ignored Vowad; who was screaming; 〃Go back; go back
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