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They passed through plex traffic patterns of carpets; cone…fliers; offworld aircraft; and Invid vehicles; but Veidt negotiated it with no apparent effort; and nobody appeared to notice them。

〃Veidt; I don't know what your plan is;〃 Rick called out; 〃but we've got pressing matters of our own。 One of them is that the Praxians are…〃

〃Are being held as slaves by the Invid;〃 Veidt anticipated。 〃I am well aware of it。 And we're on our way now to do something about that。 It's the most likely starting place for our effort to dislodge the Regent from my world。〃

Rick wished once again that it was possible to call the Sentinels' cruiser…the Ark Angel; as they had dubbed her…for a pickup; but knew now that that would only result in an uneven battle the Sentinels' flagship couldn't hope to win。 Besides; there was every possibility the cruiser would be attacked by Haydon IV's 〃antibodies。〃

Wolff saw that the flying carpet was on a course toward the Invid stronghold at the juncture of Sky Road and Silver Way; where he had seen the amazon POWs earlier。 He braced himself; wishing he had had time to pick up a gun。

But under Veidt's guidance; the carpet began descending just before reaching the stronghold; to settle onto a landing hardtop on the roof of the building next door; overlooking the broad boulevard。 〃The next slave work party should e along just beneath us;〃 he said。

〃What; you expect the few of us; with four small arms; to eliminate Inorganics?〃 Wolff scoffed。 〃If it's so easy; why didn't you do it before?〃

〃As you know; direct physical violence is not the Haydonite forte〃 Veidt pointed out。 〃But since there is no longer any route of escape from the planet; aiding and abetting it is our only recourse。

〃And besides; the women will be guarded by Enforcers and Armored Officers; not Inorganics。 More to the point; the successes of the Sentinels have given other Haydonites the encouragement they needed to lend us aid。〃

〃It's just as well things worked out this way;〃 Lisa said; checking her pistol。 〃We couldn't leave the Praxians here; enslaved。〃

Again; that keenness in Lisa to fight took Rick somewhat by surprise。 Looks like something I'm gonna have to get used to。

〃Other things will be working in your favor as well;〃 Veidt continued; 〃and I haven't long to explain them。〃

The line of Praxians moved tiredly; after a grueling day of work in the Invid warehouses and shipyards。 The Central Slavepen loomed before them。

Of course; the Invid didn't need the labor of the tens of thousands of women they had captured in their conquest of Praxis; there were drones and automata enough to perform the work。 But it made sense to keep them busy and exhausted; and to utilize them。 Besides; the practice pointed out to the Praxians…and the Haydonites and various off…world races represented in Glike…exactly what happened to those who defied the Regent。

The Enforcers on the ground and their Armored Officer who skimmed overhead in his open; single…occupant skirmish ship kept careful watch on their captives。 Sometimes; after an eighteen…or twenty…hour work shift; the females became rebellious; unwilling to reenter their cells。 That was when it took a good jolt from the slave headbands or a nerve lash to keep them moving。

Sure enough; one of the habitual troublemakers broke from the line just as she was about to pass through the portals to the slave kennels。 She was shorter than most of them; and solid; round…faced and olive…skinned。 Heedless of the rebukes of the headband and the nerve whip; she was still defiant。

〃I'm not going back into any cage!〃

〃You have been warned;〃 the nearest Enforcer said; activating the POW/slave's headband。 Writhing in pain; she would be flung into her cage despite what she had said; and so would anyone who stood with her。 It was tedious work for the Enforcers; but they had nothing better to do anyway。 They lived; literally; to serve their Regent。

But on this bright turquoise Haydon afternoon; the timetable was suddenly thrown out。 The headband didn't respond; and the defiant one stood there; showing her white teeth in a fighting sneer; hands up in bat posture; feet positioned and ready。

The Enforcer tried again; but there was still no response。 Another amazon; with a long flame…red braid; stepped from the ranks; and two more came behind her。 The Enforcers registered the fact that there was some sort of malfunction and prepared to reestablish order in a more direct way; with sonic lashes and warning shots…or with armored blows and Protoculture blasts; if it came to that。

But as the first Enforcer raised its weapon; an Invid rifle beam hit its helmet squarely and blew it apart。 Another rifle bolt hit the next nearest Enforcer; drilling through it in a split second。 Pistol blasts peppered the skirmish ship and the Armored Officer in it; who; taken by surprise while flying low and slow; emitted smoke and flame。 The skirmish ship went off kilter and slewed toward the road surface。

The warrior women of Praxis quickly realized that an ambush had been mounted; and that the despised headbands could no longer deal out punishment。 There were people on the upper landing stage…Tiresoids; though they were wearing Haydonite robes for some reason…urging them on。

The warrior women didn't need much urging。 With a chorus of cries like angry Hellcats; they sprang at their enemies。


The DNA sings its four notes
Cytosine; adenine; guanine; thymine。
In infinite configurations
As though Bach were God;
Or vice…versa
Mingtao; Protoculture: Journey Beyond Mecha。

〃How do we know this isn't the demented malfunction of a berserk android?〃 Tesla bawled; plastered up against the rear wall of the travel capsule。 Garak and Pye were hunkered down near him。

Jack was checking the action of his submachine gun nervously; making sure for the tenth time that the magazine was loaded with exploding armor…piercers。 〃You don't get a vote; so it doesn't matter what you think。 And the rest of us believe Jan。〃

He tried the magazine release again; to make sure he could eject an old and insert a new one smoothly。 He was about to say something else when Bela broke in。

The big amazo
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