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〃Are you saying that the majority of the council has lost possession of its mental faculties?〃 Exedore asked innocently。 Edwards made a wordless sound of rage and broke the connection; so that the council's faces returned to the screen。 After a few quick directives to the effect that Lang and Exedore should begin organizing the voyage; the meeting was adjourned。

〃Edwards never seems to learn his lesson;〃 Exedore remarked。 〃Even though the bulk of his Ghost Riders failed to return from their mission to apprehend Breetai; he speaks as though he has the military might to enforce his will。〃

〃So I noticed…and it makes me wonder。〃 Lang had had his own people circulating among REF personnel; and the overwhelming majority were on the side of the council; but still Edwards carried on as though he had a hole card。

Then there was this strange business about the pilot who had tried to save Minmei。 Lang could discover nothing about the man…sometimes he doubted if witnesses were right; and wondered if the pilot existed at all。 Edwards; for his part; insisted that Minmei had escaped confinement and was probably being harbored by friends somewhere in Tiresia。

But that didn't jell with the Edwards that Lang knew: what he had; he rarely let slip away from him。

Edwards glared disgustedly at the blank screen。

Idiots! The council was asserting itself more and more; now that the general's power base of Ghost Riders had been cut so drastically。 It was a pity he couldn't give them a real taste of the power he wielded; but that would have been showing his hand too soon。

All his efforts to infiltrate people into Lang's organization had failed; too; so there was little chance of getting his own agents onto Carpenter's roster。 Devil take the luck! He wanted every spacefold ship for his own master plan; and the idea of an unwarned Earth; softened up by the Robotech Masters; was quite appealing。

But he still had his options。 Perhaps it was time now that he allowed himself a diversion。 He opened a mo channel。

〃Medical? Give me an update on the patient。〃

〃No appreciable change; sir;〃 a clinician's voice answered。

Inpetents! Not fit to be called therapists。 All they had managed to do was drive Minmei into near catatonia。 He felt a sudden hunger for her; a need to reassure himself that she was still in his power。

〃Perhaps a little personal contact is what's needed;〃 he said。 〃Remain where you are; I'll be right down。〃


To paraphrase the Human aphorism; 〃I think; therefore I scram。〃
Cabell; A Pedagogue Abroad: Notes on the Sentinels Campaign

The Invid Enforcers of the Regent's hordes were nothing like that class of mecha the Regis was developing。 Hers were bigger than Battloids; mounting enormous cannons; her most powerful fighting machines; while his were scarcely bigger than the Armored Officers。

Three Enforcers entered the Hall of Healing now; driving Cabell and Veidt before them; as the others looked up。 Vince; Max; and Wolff were waiting there; as well as Rick; Lisa; and the rest。 Vince's arm was around Jean's shoulder; while Max held both Miriya's hands。 There was still some distance between Rick and Lisa。

Veidt turned to the lead Enforcer。 〃I wish to speak to these prisoners alone。〃

The media's voice sounded like a warped audio disk。 〃Those are not the Regent's orders! Count yourself lucky that you are not confined as well!〃 The Enforcers stayed where they were; weapons ready。

Veidt made a helpless shrug as he turned to his friends。 〃Those of us who believe in freedom are doing our best to obtain your release;〃 he said。

〃Not likely to help much; is it?〃 Max asked bitterly。 〃We've already been measured for slave headbands and restraining devices and cages。 And you're telling me the people who sold us out…your people…are gonna find the backbone to help us now? Dream on。〃

Miriya shushed him。 〃If it hadn't been for the Haydonites; we four would be dead right now。〃

Max lowered his head; speaking so they could barely hear him。 〃Maybe that'd be preferable。 Maybe we'd all be better off that way。〃

His face went deathly pale as he said it; everyone there was aware that Miriya was pregnant。

Veidt regarded Max for a moment。 〃I trust you'll change your mind in time。〃 He came about; the hem of his robes swirling; and wafted out the door。 One Enforcer left; and the other two remained on guard by the door。

〃Did you get to see Rem?〃 Jean asked Cabell。

〃No。 A great joke of the Regent's; promising to allow us to。 What he really meant is that we're all to be imprisoned along with him。〃

〃What a sense of humor。〃 Rick grunted。 〃I wonder if he does weddings and funerals。〃

He was looking around at the alien lab equipment; speculating on what among it would make the best improvised weapon…because he had no intention of ending up in a cage。 And surely the Invid jailers would be there to fit the Sentinels with slave headbands any minute now; there wasn't much time to act。

All of a sudden Cabell started using mon Terran English of a sort。 〃We must ayk…may an eak…bray。 Eidt…Vay will be ailing…way。〃 Cabell said it as though he were leading them in prayer; or giving them a quiet pep talk。

One of the Enforcers shifted; bringing its heavy rifle to bear。 〃Stop! No munication in offworld tongues; or we'll bind and gag you all。 Healer; make the final checks that the Regent has ordered; then all of you stand ready to be transferred to the laboratories of the omnipotent Regent!〃

The Humans; meanwhile; had been absorbing what Cabell told them。 Lisa found a moment in which to chuckle at the irony。 Apparently Cabell had learned more than just science in his dealings with Lang; Dr。 Penn and the rest; and with the Human Sentinels。

We've got fifty…skillion bucks worth of taxpayers' money in Robotech paraphernalia; it occurred to Rick; and now the whole shebang's riding on one old alien coot talking in pig latin! Somehow; it seemed appropriate。

It was like sending vital battle signals with a child's decoder ring from a cereal box; but it seemed to have worked。 And the remark about the Regent's laboratories had everyone there determined to escape or die trying; there were fates worse 
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