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    you will see你将拥有

    what you deserve值得的一切

    jay:lets go





    合:la la la la la la la la la


    jay:you just have to try你应该去努力

    to be who you are做真正的自己

    and you ought to fly你应该遨游天际

    step into the light触摸光亮

    小派:and soon you will find不久的将来 你便会找寻到

    be yourself你内心深处

    somewhere deep inside真切的一面

    theres a universe right there waiting to be unlocked宇宙正等待着你去探索

    the key lies in looking into yourself成功的关键在于领悟心语

    jay:oh try try try try(放手一搏吧)

    just do what is right走正义光明之路

    youll fly so high你将飞过苍穹

    let go of the brakes挣脱束缚

    be who you are做真正的自己

    be yourself cause your power is on勇敢地做自己 因为你的能量蓄势待发

    合: when you believe in what youve got当你相信你拥有的一切

    you know youre perfect just be who you are你将体会到 勇敢地做自己 再完美不过

    小派:so they dont see what youre made of他们看不到你的潜能

    but i like you and i know theyre wrong但我看好你 深知他们都是错的

    now its time时刻已到

    to show them what you got向所有人展现你贮藏已久的能量

    let the blue skies cheer you on让蔚蓝苍穹带你飞翔

    embrace the wind well ride along我们将迎风 勇往直前

    youre perfect when youre who you are做你自己 便是完美





    合:la la la la la la la la la


    小派:you just have to try你应该去努力

    to be who you are做真正的自己

    jay:and you ought to fly你应该遨游天际

    step into the light触摸光亮

    小派:and soon you will find不久的将来 你便会找寻到

    be yourself你内心深处

    somewhere deep inside真切的一面

    theres a universe right there waiting to be unlocked宇宙正等待着你去探索

    the key lies in looking into yourself成功的关键在于领悟心语

    jay:oh try try try try放手一搏吧

    just do what is right走正义光明之路

    youll fly so high你将飞过苍穹

    let go of the brakes挣脱束缚

    合: be who you are做真正的自己

    be yourself cause your power is on勇敢地做自己 因为你的能量蓄势待发

    when you believe in what youve got当你相信你拥有的一切

    you know youre perfect just be who you are你将体会到 勇敢地做自己 再完美不过

    小派:you just have to try你应该去努力

    to be who you are做真正的自己

    jay:and you ought to fly你应该遨游天际

    step into the light触摸光亮

    小派:and soon you will find不久的将来 你便会找寻到

    be yourself你内心深处

    somewhere deep inside真切的一面

    theres a universe right there waiting to be unlocked宇宙正等待着你去探索

    the key lies in looking into yourself成功的关键在于领悟心语

    jay:oh try try try try放手一搏吧

    just do what is right走正义光明之路

    youll fly so high你将飞过苍穹

    let go of the brakes挣脱束缚

    合: be who you are做真正的自己

    be yourself cause your power is on勇敢地做自己 因为你的能量蓄势待发

    when you believe in what youve got当你相信你拥有的一切)

    you know youre perfect just be who you are你将体会到 勇敢地做自己 再完美不过

美国飞鱼michael phelps夺得生涯中第19枚金牌,体操小女神samone biles舞姿震惊四座,今年的奥运场地虽不甚理想,大家的表现水平倒没受拖累,bravo!


浮生一百八十二: annnball() 




    i keep falling

    i keep falling for you

    like the rain fall

    like a onball

    i keep falling

    i keep falling for you

    like the rain fall

    like a onball

    i wish trying to take your heart

    keep it in a cardboard box

    so when it gets hard

    youll never be far

    and your love wont be lost

    as the bridges fall apart

    i still find a way to cross

    and even if you are lost among the stars

    your love wont go off

    for me me me its endless

    but i need need need more of this

    t turn away; feel it push me

    and i keep falling

    i keep falling for you

    like the rain fall

    like a onball

    i keep falling

    i keep falling for you

    like the rain fall

    like a onball

    like a onball

    i  feel you take my love

    and ta above the ground

    and if the strings are cut

    nothing holds me up

    nothing takes me down

    for me me me its endless

    but i need need need more of this

    t turn away; feel it push me

    and i keep falling

    i keep falling for you

    like the rain fall

    like a onball

    i keep falling

    i keep falling for you

    like the rain fall

    like a onball

    like a onball

    when i try to fall for from your dlelight

    i get lost in your maybe maybe

    im just falling

    when i try to hide from your love i t deny it oh baby maybe

    its just my calling

    but and i keep falling

    i keep falling for you

    like the rain fall

    like a onball

    i keep falling

    i keep falling for you

    like the rain fall

    like a onball

    like the rain fall

    like a onball

    like the rain fall

    like a onball



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