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the fellowship of the ring-第51章

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ive noises ran among the bushes and reeds oneither side of them; and if they looked up to the pale sky; they caught sightof queer gnarled and knobbly faces that gloomed dark against the twilight; andleered down at them from the high bank and the edges of the wood。 They beganto feel that all this country was unreal; and that they were stumbling throughan ominous dream that led to no awakening。 
Just as they felt their feet slowing down to a standstill; they noticedthat the ground was gently rising。 The water began to murmur。 In the darknessthey caught the white glimmer of foam; where the river flowed over a shortfall。 Then suddenly the trees came to an end and the mists were left behind。 
They stepped out from the Forest; and found a wide sweep of grass welling upbefore them。 The river; now small and swift; was leaping merrily down to meetthem; glinting here and there in the light of the stars; which were alreadyshining in the sky。 
The grass under their feet was smooth and short; as if it had been mownor shaven。 The eaves of the Forest behind were clipped; and trim as a hedge。 
The path was now plain before them; well…tended and bordered with stone。 Itwound up on to the top of a grassy knoll; now grey under the pale starrynight; and there; still high above them on a further slope; they saw thetwinkling lights of a house。 Down again the path went; and then up again; up along smooth hillside of turf; towards the light。 Suddenly a wide yellow beamflowed out brightly from a door that was opened。 There was Tom Bombadil'shouse before them; up; down; under hill。 Behind it a steep shoulder of theland lay grey and bare; and beyond that the dark shapes of the Barrow…downsstalked away into the eastern night。 
They all hurried forward; hobbits and ponies。 Already half theirweariness and all their fears had fallen from them。 _Hey! e merry dol!_ 
rolled out the song to greet them。  
Hey! e derry dol! Hop along; my hearties! 
Hobbits! Ponies all! We are fond of parties。 
Now let the fun begin! Let us sing together!  
Then another clear voice; as young and as ancient as Spring; like thesong of a glad water flowing down into the night from a bright morning in thehills; came falling like silver to meet them:  
Now let the song begin! Let us sing together 
Of sun; stars; moon and mist; rain and cloudy weather; 
Light on the budding leaf; dew on the feather; 
Wind on the open hill; bells on the heather; 
Reeds by the shady pool; lilies on the water: 
Old Tom Bombadil and the River…daughter!  
And with that song the hobbits stood upon the threshold; and a goldenlight was all about them。  
_Chapter 7_ 
In the House of Tom Bombadil  
The four hobbits stepped over the wide stone threshold; and stood still; 
blinking。 They were in a long low room; filled with the light of lampsswinging from the beams of the roof; and on the table of dark polished woodstood many candles; tall and yellow; burning brightly。 
In a chair; at the far side of the room facing the outer door; sat awoman。 Her long yellow hair rippled down her shoulders; her gown was green; 
green as young reeds; shot with silver like beads of dew; and her belt was ofgold; shaped like a chain of flag…lilies set with the pale…blue eyes offorget…me…nots。 About her feel in wide vessels of green and brown earthenware; 
white water…lilies were floating; so that she seemed to be enthroned in themidst of a pool。 
'Enter; good guests!' she said; and as she spoke they knew that it washer clear voice they had heard singing。 They came a few timid steps furtherinto the room; and began to bow low; feeling strangely surprised and awkward; 
like folk that; knocking at a cottage door to beg for a drink of water; havebeen answered by a fair young elf…queen clad in living flowers。 But beforethey could say anything; she sprang lightly up and over the lily…bowls; andran laughing towards them; and as she ran her gown rustled softly like thewind in the flowering borders of a river。 
'e dear folk!' she said; taking Frodo by the hand。 'Laugh and bemerry! I am Goldberry; daughter of the River。' Then lightly she passed themand closing the door she turned her back to it; with her white arms spread outacross it。 'Let us shut out the night!' she said。 'For you are still afraid; 
perhaps; of mist and tree…shadows and deep water; and untame things。 Fearnothing! For tonight you are under the roof of Tom Bombadil。' 
The hobbits looked at her in wonder; and she looked at each of them andsmiled。 'Fair lady Goldberry!' said Frodo at last; feeling his heart movedwith a joy that he did not understand。 He stood as he had at times stoodenchanted by fair elven…voices; but the spell that was now laid upon him wasdifferent: less keen and lofty was the delight; but deeper and nearer tomortal heart; marvellous and yet not strange。 'Fair lady Goldberry!' he saidagain。 'Now the joy that was hidden in the songs we heard is made plain to me。  
O slender as a willow…wand! O clearer than clear water!  
O reed by the living pool! Fair River…daughter! 
O spring…time and summer…time; and spring again after! 
O wind on the waterfall; and the leaves' laughter!'  
Suddenly he stopped and stammered; overe with surprise to hear himselfsaying such things。 But Goldberry laughed。 
'Wele!' she said。 'I had not heard that folk of the Shire were so  
sweet…tongued。 But I see you are an elf…friend; the light in your eyes and thering in your voice tells it。 This is a merry meeting! Sit now; and wait forthe Master of the house! He will not be long。 He is tending your tiredbeasts。'  
The hobbits sat down gladly in low rush…seated chairs; while Goldberrybusied herself about the table; and their eyes followed her; for the slendergrace of her movement filled them with quiet delight。 From somewhere behindthe house came the sound of singing。 Every now and again they caught; amongmany a _derry dol_ and a _merry dol_ and a _ring a ding dillo_ the repeatedwords:  
Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow; 
Bright blue his jacket is; and his boots are yellow。  
'Fair lady!' said Frodo again after a while。 'Tell me; if my asking doesnot seem foolish; who is Tom Bombadil?' 
'He is;' said Goldberry; staying her swift movements and smi
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