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the fellowship of the ring-第38章

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 sudden gustsof wind; and spots of rain began to fall from the overcast sky。 Then the winddied away and the rain came streaming down。 They trudged along as fast as theycould; over patches of grass; and through thick drifts of old leaves; and allabout them the rain pattered and trickled。 They did not talk; but keptglancing back; and from side to side。 
After half an hour Pippin said: 'I hope we have not turned too muchtowards the south; and are not walking longwise through this wood! It is not avery broad belt …I should have said no more than a mile at the widest – and weought to have been through it by now。' 
'It is no good our starting to go in zig…zags;' said Frodo。 'That won'tmend matters。 Let us keep on as we are going! I am not sure that I want toe out into the open yet。' 
They went on for perhaps another couple of miles。 Then the sun gleamedout of ragged clouds again and the rain lessened。 It was now past mid…day; andthey felt it was high time for lunch。 They halted under an elm tree: itsleaves though fast turning yellow were still thick; and the ground at its feelwas fairly dry and sheltered。 When they came to make their meal; they found  
that the Elves had filled their bottles with a clear drink; pale golden incolour: it had the scent of a honey made of many flowers; and was wonderfullyrefreshing。 Very soon they were laughing; and snapping their fingers at rain; 
and at Black Riders。 The last few miles; they felt; would soon be behind them。 
Frodo propped his back against the tree…trunk; and closed his eyes。 Samand Pippin sat near; and they began to hum; and then to sing softly:  
Ho! Ho! Ho! to the bottle I go 
To heal my heart and drown my woe。 
Rain may fall and wind may blow; 
And many miles be still to go; 
But under a tall tree I will lie; 
And let the clouds go sailing by。  
_Ho! Ho! Ho!_ they began again louder。 They stopped short suddenly。 Frodosprang to his feet。 A long…drawn wail came down the wind; like the cry of someevil and lonely creature。 It rose and fell; and ended on a high piercing note。 
Even as they sat and stood; as if suddenly frozen; it was answered by anothercry; fainter and further off; but no less chilling to the blood。 There wasthen a silence; broken only by the sound of the wind in the leaves。 
'And what do you think that was?' Pippin asked at last; trying to speaklightly; but quavering a little。 'If it was a bird; it was one that I neverheard in the Shire before。'  
'It was not bird or beast;' said Frodo。 'It was a call; or a signal – 
there were words in that cry; though I could not catch them。 But no hobbit hassuch a voice。'  
No more was said about it。 They were all thinking of the Riders; but noone spoke of them。 They were now reluctant either to stay or go on; but sooneror later they had got to get across the open country to the Ferry; and it wasbest to go sooner and in daylight。 In a few moments they had shouldered theirpacks again and were off。 
Before long the wood came to a sudden end。 Wide grass…lands stretchedbefore them。 They now saw that they had; in fact; turned too much to thesouth。 Away over the flats they could glimpse the low hill of Buckleburyacross the River; but it was now to their left。 Creeping cautiously out fromthe edge of the trees; they set off across the open as quickly as they could。 
At first they felt afraid; away from the shelter of the wood。 Far backbehind them stood the high place where they had breakfasted。 Frodo halfexpected to see the small distant figure of a horseman on the ridge darkagainst the sky; but there was no sign of one。 The sun escaping from thebreaking clouds; as it sank towards the hills they had left; was now shiningbrightly again。 Their fear left them; though they still felt uneasy。 But theland became steadily more tame and well…ordered。 Soon they came into well… 
tended fields and meadows: there were hedges and gates and dikes for drainage。 
Everything seemed quiet and peaceful; just an ordinary corner of the Shire。 
Their spirits rose with every step。 The line of the River grew nearer; and theBlack Riders began to seem like phantoms of the woods now left far behind。 
They passed along the edge of a huge turnip…field; and came to a stoutgate。 Beyond it a rutted lane ran between low well…laid hedges towards adistant clump of trees。 Pippin stopped。 
'I know these fields and this gate!' he said。 'This is Bamfurlong; oldFarmer Maggot's land。 That's his farm away there in the trees。' 
'One trouble after another!' said Frodo; looking nearly as much alarmedas if Pippin had declared the lane was the slot leading to a dragon's den。 Theothers looked at him in surprise。 
'What's wrong with old Maggot?' asked Pippin。 'He's a good friend to allthe Brandy bucks。 Of course he's a terror to trespassers; and keeps ferociousdogs – but after all; folk down here are near the border and have to be moreon their guard。' 
'I know;' said Frodo。 'But all the same;' he added with a shamefaced  
laugh; 'I am terrified of him and his dogs。 I have avoided his farm for yearsand years。 He caught me several times trespassing after mushrooms; when I wasa youngster at Brandy Hall。 On the last occasion he beat me; and then took meand showed me to his dogs。 〃See; lads;〃 he said; 〃next time this young varmintsets foot on my land; you can eat him。 Now see him off!〃 They chased me allthe way to the Ferry。 I have never got over the fright – though I daresay thebeasts knew their business and would not really have touched me。' 
Pippin laughed。 'Well; it's time you made it up。 Especially if you areing back to live in Buckland。 Old Maggot is really a stout fellow – if youleave his mushrooms alone。 Let's get into the lane and then we shan't betrespassing。 If we meet him; I'll do the talking。 He is a friend of Merry's; 
and I used to e here with him a good deal at one time。' 
They went along the lane; until they saw the thatched roofs of a largehouse and farm…buildings peeping out among the trees ahead。 The Maggots; andthe Puddifoots of Stock; and most of the inhabitants of the Marish; werehouse…dwellers; and this farm was stoutly built of brick and had a high wallall round it。 There was a wide wooden gate opening out of the wall into the
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