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the fellowship of the ring-第123章

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say anything of importance tous。 They say only: _The Doors of Durin; Lord of Moria。 Speak; friend; andenter_。 And underneath small and faint is written: _I; Narvi; made them。 
Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs。_' 
‘What does it mean by _speak; friend; and enter_?' asked Merry。 
'That is plain enough;' said Gimli。 ‘If you are a friend; speak thepassword; and the doors will open; and you can enter。' 
'Yes;' said Gandalf; 'these doors are probably governed by words。 Somedwarf…gates will open only at special times; or for particular persons; andsome have locks and keys that are still needed when all necessary times andwords are known。 These doors have no key。 In the days of Durin they were notsecret。 They usually stood open and doorwards sat here。 But if they were shut; 
any who knew the opening word could speak it and pass in。 At least so it isrecorded; is it not; Gimli? ' 
'It is;' said the dwarf。 ‘But what the word was is not remembered。 Narviand his craft and all his kindred have vanished from the earth。'  
'But do not _you_ know the word; Gandalf? ' asked Boromir in surprise。 
‘No! ' said the wizard。  
The others looked dismayed; only Aragorn; who knew Gandalf well; remainedsilent and unmoved。  
'Then what was the use of bringing us to this accursed spot?' criedBoromir; glancing back with a shudder at the dark water。 ‘You told us that youhad once passed through the Mines。 How could that be; if you did not know howto enter? '  
‘The answer to your first question; Boromir;' said the wizard; ‘is that Ido not know the word…yet。 But we shall soon see。 And;' he added; with a glintin his eyes under their bristling brows; 'you may ask what is the use of mydeeds when they are proved useless。 As for your other question: do you doubtmy tale? Or have you no wits left? I did not enter this way。 I came from theEast。  
‘If you wish to know; I will tell you that these doors open outwards。 
From the inside you may thrust them open with your hands。 From the outsidenothing will move them save the spell of mand。 They cannot be forcedinwards。'  
‘What are you going to do then? ' asked Pippin; undaunted by the wizard'sbristling brows。 
‘Knock on the doors with your head; Peregrin Took;' said Gandalf。 ‘But ifthat does not shatter them; and I am allowed a little peace from foolishquestions; I will seek for the opening words。 
‘I once knew every spell in all the tongues of Elves or Men or Orcs thatwas ever used for such a purpose。 I can still remember ten score of themwithout searching in my mind。 But only a few trials; I think; will be needed; 
and I shall not have to call on Gimli for words of the secret dwarf…tonguethat they teach to none。 The opening words were Elvish; like the writing onthe arch: that seems certain。'  
He stepped up to the rock again; and lightly touched with his staff thesilver star in the middle beneath the sign of the anvil。  
Annon edhellen; edro hi ammen! 
Fennas nogothrim; lasto beth lammen!  
he said in a manding voice。 The silver lines faded; but the blank greystone did not stir。  
Many times he repeated these words in different order; or varied them。 
Then he tried other spells。 one after another; speaking now faster and louder; 
now soft and slow。 Then he spoke many single words of Elvish speech。 Nothinghappened。 The cliff towered into the night; the countless stars were kindled; 
the wind blew cold; and the doors stood fast。 
Again Gandalf approached the wall; and lifting up his arms he spoke intones of mand and rising wrath。 _Edro; edro!_ he cried; and struck the rockwith his staff。 _Open; open!_ he shouted; and followed it with the samemand in every language that had ever been spoken in the West of Middle… 
earth。 Then he threw his staff on the ground; and sat down in silence。 
At that moment from far off the wind bore to their listening ears thehowling of wolves。 Bill the pony started in fear; and Sam sprang to his sideand whispered softly to him。 
'Do not let him run away! ' said Boromir。 'It seems that we shall needhim still; if the wolves do not find us。 How I hate this foul pool! ' Hestooped and picking up a large stone he cast it far into the dark water。 
The stone vanished with a soft slap; but at the same instant there was aswish and a bubble。 Great rippling rings formed on the surface out beyondwhere the stone had fallen; and they moved slowly towards the foot of thecliff。  
'Why did you do that; Boromir? ' said Frodo。 ‘I hate this place; too; andI am afraid。 I don't know of what: not of wolves; or the dark behind thedoors; but of something else。 I am afraid of the pool。 Don't disturb it! '  
'l wish we could get away! ' said Merry。 
'Why doesn't Gandalf do something quick? ' said Pippin。 
Gandalf took no notice of them。 He sat with his head bowed; either indespair or in anxious thought。 The mournful howling of the wolves was heardagain。 The ripples on the water grew and came closer; some were alreadylapping on the shore。 
With a suddenness that startled them all the wizard sprang to his feet。 
He was laughing! ‘I have it! ' he cried。 'Of course; of course! Absurdlysimple; like most riddles when you see the answer。' 
Picking up his staff he stood before the rock and said in a clear voice: 
The star shone out briefly and faded again。 Then silently a great doorwaywas outlined; though not a crack or joint had been visible before。 Slowly itdivided in the middle and swung outwards inch by inch; until both doors layback against the wall。 Through the opening a shadowy stair could be seenclimbing steeply up; but beyond the lower steps the darkness was deeper thanthe night。 The pany stared in wonder。 
‘I was wrong after all;' said Gandalf; 'and Gimli too。 Merry; of allpeople; was on the right track。 The opening word was inscribed on the archwayall the time! The translation should have been: _Say 〃Friend〃 and enter。_ Ihad only to speak the Elvish word for _friend_ and the doors opened。 Quitesimple。 Too simple for a learned lore…master in these suspicious days。 Thosewere happier times。 Now let us go!' 
He strode forward and set his foot on the lowest step。 But at that momentseveral things happened。 Frodo felt something seize him by the ankle; and hefell w
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