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查理和巧克力工厂 作者:[英]罗尔德·达尔-第30章

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  'My dear sir;' said Mr Wonka; jumping forward and shaking Mr Bucket warmly by the hand; 'I'm so very glad to meet you。 You mustn't worry about your house。 From now on; you're never going to need it again; anyway。'
  'Who is this crazy man?' screamed Grandma Josephine。 'He could have killed us all。'
  'This;' said Grandpa Joe; 'is Mr Willy Wonka himself。'
  It took quite a time for Grandpa Joe and Charlie to explain to everyone exactly what had been happening to them all day。 And even then they all refused to ride back to the factory in the lift。
  'I'd rather die in my bed!' shouted Grandma Josephine。
  'So would I!' cried Grandma Georgina。
  'I refuse to go!' announced Grandpa George。
  So Mr Wonka and Grandpa Joe and Charlie; taking no notice of their screams; simply pushed the bed into the lift。 They pushed Mr and Mrs Bucket in after it。 Then they got in themselves。 Mr Wonka pressed a button。 The doors closed。 Grandma Georgina screamed。 And the lift rose up off the floor and shot through the hole in the roof; out into the open sky。
  Charlie climbed on to the bed and tried to calm the three old people who were still petrified with fear。 'Please don't be frightened;' he said。 'It's quite safe。 And we're going to the most wonderful place in the world!'
  'Charlie's right;' said Grandpa Joe。
  'Will there be anything to eat when we get there?' asked Grandma Josephine。 'I'm starving! The whole family is starving!'
  'Anything to eat?' cried Charlie laughing。 'Oh; you just wait and see!'
  Roald Dahl was born in 1916 in Wales of Norwegian parents。 He was educated in England before starting work for the Shell Oil pany in Africa。 He began writing after a 'monumental bash on the head' sustained as an RAF fighter pilot during the Second World War。 Roald Dahl is one of the most successful and well…known of all children's writers。 His books; which are read by children the world over; include James and the Giant Peach; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; The Magic Finger; Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator; Fantastic Mr Fox; Matilda; The Twits; The BFG and The Witches; winner of the 1983 Whitbread Award。 Roald Dahl died in 1990 at the age of seventy…four。
(the end)
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