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查理和巧克力工厂 作者:[英]罗尔德·达尔-第14章

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the Oompa…Loompas were crazy about this particular food; I climbed up to their tree…house village and poked my head in through the door of the tree house belonging to the leader of the tribe。 The poor little fellow; looking thin and starved; was sitting there trying to eat a bowl full of mashed…up green caterpillars without being sick。 〃Look here;〃 I said (speaking not in English; of course; but in Oompa…Loompish); 〃look here; if you and all your people will e back to my country and live in my factory; you can have all the cacao beans you want! I've got mountains of them in my storehouses! You can have cacao beans for every meal! You can gorge yourselves silly on them! I'll even pay your wages in cacao beans if you wish!〃
  '〃You really mean it?〃 asked the Oompa…Loompa leader; leaping up from his chair。
  '〃Of course I mean it;〃 I said。 〃And you can have chocolate as well。 Chocolate tastes even better than cacao beans because it's got milk and sugar added。〃
  'The little man gave a great whoop of joy and threw his bowl of mashed caterpillars right out of the tree…house window。 〃It's a deal!〃 he cried。 〃e on! Let's go!〃
  'So I shipped them all over here; every man; woman; and child in the Oompa…Loompa tribe。 It was easy。 I smuggled them over in large packing cases with holes in them; and they all got here safely。 They are wonderful workers。 They all speak English now。 They love dancing and music。 They are always making up songs。 I expect you will hear a good deal of singing today from time to time。 I must warn you; though; that they are rather mischievous。 They like jokes。 They still wear the same kind of clothes they wore in the jungle。 They insist upon that。 The men; as you can see for yourselves across the river; wear only deerskins。 The women wear leaves; and the children wear nothing at all。 The women use fresh leaves every day 。 。 。'
  'Daddy!' shouted Veruca Salt (the girl who got everything she wanted)。 'Daddy! I want an Oompa…Loompa! I want you to get me an Oompa…Loompa! I want an Oompa…Loompa right away! I want to take it home with me! Go on; Daddy! Get me an Oompa…Loompa!'
  'Now; now; my pet!' her father said to her; 'we mustn't interrupt Mr Wonka。'
  〃But I want an Oompa…Loompa!' screamed Veruca。
  'All right; Veruca; all right。 But I can't get it for you this second。 Please be patient。 I'll see you have one before the day is out。'
  'Augustus!' shouted Mrs Gloop。 'Augustus; sweetheart; I don't think you had better do that。' Augustus Gloop; as you might have guessed; had quietly sneaked down to the edge of the river; and he was now kneeling on the riverbank; scooping hot melted chocolate into his mouth as fast as he could。
  Augustus Gloop Goes up the Pipe
  When Mr Wonka turned round and saw what Augustus Gloop was doing; he cried out; 'Oh; no! Please; Augustus; please! I beg of you not to do that。 My chocolate must be untouched by human hands!'
  'Augustus!' called out Mrs Gloop。 'Didn't you hear what the man said? e away from that river at once!'
  'This stuff is fabulous!' said Augustus; taking not the slightest notice of his mother or Mr Wonka。 'Gosh; I need a bucket to drink it properly!'
  'Augustus;' cried Mr Wonka; hopping up and down and waggling his stick in the air; 'you must e away。 You are dirtying my chocolate!'
  'Augustus!' cried Mrs Gloop。
  'Augustus!' cried Mr Gloop。
  But Augustus was deaf to everything except the call of his enormous stomach。 He was now lying full length on the ground with his head far out over the river; lapping up the chocolate like a dog。
  'Augustus!' shouted Mrs Gloop。 'You'll be giving that nasty cold of yours to about a million people all over the country!'
  'Be careful; Augustus!' shouted Mr Gloop。 'You're leaning too far out!'
  Mr Gloop was absolutely right。 For suddenly there was a shriek; and then a splash; and into the river went Augustus Gloop; and in one second he had disappeared under the brown surface。
  'Save him!' screamed Mrs Gloop; going white in the face; and waving her umbrella about。 'He'll drown! He can't swim a yard! Save him! Save him!'
  'Good heavens; woman;' said Mr Gloop; 'I'm not diving in there! I've got my best suit on!'
  Augustus Gloop's face came up again to the surface; painted brown with chocolate。 'Help! Help! Help!' he yelled。 'Fish me out!'
  'Don't just stand there!' Mrs Gloop screamed at Mr Gloop。 'Do something!'
  'I am doing something!' said Mr Gloop; who was now taking off his jacket and getting ready to dive into the chocolate。 But while he was doing this; the wretched boy was being sucked closer and closer towards the mouth of one of the great pipes that was dangling down into the river。 Then all at once; the powerful suction took hold of him pletely; and he was pulled under the surface and then into the mouth of the pipe。
  The crowd on the riverbank waited breathlessly to see where he would e out。
  'There he goes!' somebody shouted; pointing upwards。
  And sure enough; because the pipe was made of glass; Augustus Gloop could be clearly seen shooting up inside it; head first; like a torpedo。
  'Help! Murder! Police!' screamed Mrs Gloop。 'Augustus; e back at once! Where are you going?'
  'It's a wonder to me;' said Mr Gloop; 'how that pipe is big enough for him to go through it。'
  'It isn't big enough!' said Charlie Bucket。 'Oh dear; look! He's slowing down!'
  'So he is!' said Grandpa Joe。
  'He's going to stick!' said Charlie。
  'I think he is!' said Grandpa Joe。
  'By golly; he has stuck!' said Charlie。
  'It's his stomach that's done it!' said Mr Gloop。
  'He's blocked the whole pipe!' said Grandpa Joe。
  'Smash the pipe!' yelled Mrs Gloop; still waving her umbrella。 'Augustus; e out of there at once!'
  The watchers below could see the chocolate swishing around the boy in the pipe; and they could see it building up behind him in a solid mass; pushing against the blockage。 The pressure was terrific。 Something had to give。 Something did give; and that something was Augustus。 WHOOF! Up he shot again like a bullet in the barrel of a gun。
  'He's disappeared!' yelled Mrs Gloop。 'Where does that pipe
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