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the horse and his boy_c·s·刘易斯-第38章

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of everyone else; made him a mark for every arrow from the  narnian bows; he decided to jump down again。 and he meant to look and sound … no doubt for a  moment he did look and sound … very grand and very dreadful as he jumped; crying;  〃the bolt of tash falls from above。〃 but he had to jump sideways because the crowd in  front of him left him no landing place in that direction。 and then; in the neatest way  you could wish; the tear in the back of his hauberk caught on a hook in the wall。 (ages ago  this hook had had a ring in it for tying horses to。) and there he found himself; like a  piece of washing hung up to dry; with everyone laughing at him。

〃let me down; edmund;〃 howled rsh。 〃let me down and fight me like a  king and a man; or if you are too great a coward to do that; kill me at once。鈥

〃certainly;〃 began king edmund; but king lune interrupted。

〃by your majestys good leave;〃 said king lune to edmund。 〃not so。〃 then  turning to rsh he said; 〃your royal highness; if you had given that challenge a  week ago; ill answer for it there was no one in king edmunds dominion; from the high  king down to the smallest talking mouse; who would have refused it。 but by attacking our  castle of anvard in time of peace without defiance sent; you have proved yourself no  knight; but a traitor; and one rather to be whipped by the hangman than to be suffered to  cross swords with any person of honour。 take him down; bind him; and carry him within  till our pleasure is further known。鈥

strong hands wrenched rshs sword from him and he was carried away  into the castle; shouting; threatening; cursing; and even crying。 for though he  could have faced torture he couldnt bear being made ridiculous。 in tashbaan everyone had  always taken him seriously。

at that moment corin ran up to shasta; seized his hand and started dragging  him towards king lune。 〃here he is; father; here he is;〃 cried corin。

〃aye; and here thou art; at last;〃 said the king in a very gruff voice。  〃and bast been in the battle; clean contrary to your obedience。 a boy to break a fathers heart!  at your age a rod to your breech were fitter than a sword in your fist; ha!〃 but everyone;  including corin; could see that the king was very proud of him。

〃chide him no more; sire; if it please you;〃 said lord darrin。 〃his  highness would not be your son if he did not inherit your conditions。 it would grieve your  majesty more if he had to be reproved for the opposite fault。鈥

〃well; well;〃 grumbled the king。 〃well pass it over for this time。 and now  …〃   what came next surprised shasta as much as anything that had ever happened  to him in his life。 he found himself suddenly embraced inn bear…like hug by king lune  and kissed on both cheeks。 then the king set him down again and said; 〃stand here  together; boys; and let all the court see you。 hold up your heads。 now; gentlemen; look on  them both。

has any man any doubts?鈥

and still shasta could not understand why everyone stared at him and at  corin nor what all the cheering was about。



how bree became a wiser horse  we must now return to aravis and the horses。 the hermit; watching his pool;  was able to tell them that shasta was not killed or even seriously wounded; for he  saw him get up and saw how affectionately he was greeted by king lune。 but as he could  only see; not hear; he did not know what anyone was saying and; once the fighting had  stopped and the talking had begun; it was not worth while looking in the pool any longer。

next morning; while the hermit was indoors; the three of them discussed  what they should do next。

〃ive had enough of this;〃 said hwin。 〃the hermit has been very good to us  and im very much obliged to him im sure。 but im getting as fat as a pet pony; eating  all day and getting no exercise。 lets go on to narnia。鈥

〃oh not today; maam;〃 said bree。 〃i wouldnt hurry things。 some other day;  dont you think?鈥

〃we must see shasta first and say good…bye to him … and … and apologize;〃  said aravis。

〃exactly!〃 said bree with great enthusiasm。 〃just what i was going to say。鈥

〃oh; of course;〃 said hwin。 〃i expect he is in anvard。 naturally wed look  in on him and say good…bye。 but thats on our way。 and why shouldnt we start at once?  after all; i thought it was narnia we all wanted to get to?鈥

〃i suppose so;〃 said aravis。 she was beginning to wonder what exactly she  would do when she got there and was feeling a little lonely。

〃of course; of course;〃 said bree hastily。 〃but theres no need to rush  things; if you know what i mean。鈥

〃no; i dont know what you mean;〃 said hwin。 〃why dont you want to go?鈥

〃m…m…m; broo…hoo;〃 muttered bree。 〃well; dont you see; maam … its an  important occasion … returning to ones country … entering society … the best society  … it is so essential to make a good impression … not perhaps looking quite ourselves; yet; eh?鈥

hwin broke out into a horse…laugh。 〃its your tail; bree! i see it all now。  you want to wait till your tails grown again! and we dont even know if tails are worn long  in narnia。

really; bree; youre as vain as that tarkheena in tashbaan!鈥

〃you are silly; bree;〃 said aravis。

〃by the lions mane; tarkheena; im nothing of the sort;〃 said bree  indignantly。 〃i have a proper respect for myself and for my fellow horses; thats all。鈥

〃bree;〃 said aravis; who was not very interested in the cut of his tail;  〃ive been wanting to ask you something for a long time。 why do you keep on swearing by the  lion and by the lions mane? i thought you hated lions。鈥

〃so i do;〃 answered bree。 〃but when i speak of the lion of course i mean  aslan; the great deliverer of narnia who drove away the witch and the winter。 all  narnians swear by him。鈥

〃but is he a lion?鈥

〃no; no; of course not;〃 said bree in a rather shocked voice。

〃all the stories about him in tashbaan say he is;〃 replied aravis。 〃and if  he isnt a lion why do you call him a lion?鈥

〃well; youd hardly understand that at your age;〃 said bree。 〃and i was  only a little foal when i left so i dont quite fully understand it myself。鈥

(bree was
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