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the horse and his boy_c·s·刘易斯-第24章

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ur wisdom agreed; that we should meet here  in the old palace where no council is ever held and none of the household has any  occasion to e。鈥

〃it is well;〃 said the tisroc。 〃if any man knew; i would see to it that he  died before an hour had passed。 and do you also; o prudent vizier; forget it。 i sponge  away from my own heart and from yours all knowledge of the princes plans。 he is gone  without my knowledge or my consent; i know not whither; because of his violence and  the rash and disobedient disposition of youth。 no man will be more astonished than you  and i to hear that anvard is in his hands。鈥

〃to hear is to obey;〃 said ahoshta。

〃that is why you will never think even in your secret heart that i am the  hardest hearted of fathers who thus send my first…born son on an errand so likely to be his  death; pleasing as it must be to you who do not love the prince。 for 1 see into the bottom  of your mind。鈥

〃o impeccable tisroc;〃 said the vizier。 〃in parison with you i love  neither the prince nor my own life nor bread nor water nor the light of the sun。鈥

〃your sentiments;〃 said the tisroc; 〃are elevated and correct。 i also love  none of these things in parison with the glory and strength of my throne。 if the  prince succeeds; we have archenland; and perhaps hereafter narnia。 if he fails … i have  eighteen other sons and rsh; after the manner of the eldest sons of kings; was beginning  to be dangerous。 more than five tisrocs in tashbaan have died before their time  because their eldest sons; enlightened princes; grew tired of waiting for their throne。  he had better cool his blood abroad than boil it in inaction here。 and now; o excellent  vizier; the excess of my paternal anxiety inclines me to sleep。 mand the musicians to my  chamber。 but before you lie down; call back the pardon we wrote for the third cook。 i  feel within me the manifest prognostics of indigestion。鈥

〃to hear is to obey;〃 said the grand vizier。 he crawled backwards on all  fours to the door; rose; bowed; and went out。 even then the tisroc remained seated in  silence on the divan till aravis almost began to be afraid that he had dropped asleep。 but  at last with a great creaking and sighing he heaved up his enormous body; signed to the  slaves to precede him with the lights; and went out。 the door closed behind him; the  room was once more totally dark; and the two girls could breathe freely again。

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across the desert  〃hove dreadful! how perfectly dreadful!〃 whimpered lasaraleen。 〃oh darling;  i am so frightened。 im shaking all over。 feel me。鈥

〃e on;〃 said aravis; who was trembling herself。 〃theyve gone back to  the new palace。 once were out of this room were safe enough。 but its wasted a  terrible time。 get me down to that water…gate as quick as you can。鈥

〃darling; how can you?〃 squeaked lasaraleen。 〃i cant do anything … not  now。 my poor nerves! no: we must just lie still a bit and then go back。鈥

〃why back?〃 asked aravis。

〃oh; you dont understand。 youre so unsympathetic;〃 said lasaraleen;  beginning to cry。

aravis decided it was no occasion for mercy。

〃look here!〃 she said; catching lasaraleen and giving her a good shake。 〃if  you say another word about going back; and if you dont start taking me to that  water…gate at once  

… do you know what ill do? ill rush out into that passage and scream。  then well both be caught。鈥

〃but we shall both be k…k…killed!〃 said lasaraleen。 〃didnt you hear what  the tisroc (may he live for ever) said?鈥

〃yes; and id sooner be killed than married to ahoshta。 so e on。鈥

〃oh you are unkind;〃 said lasaraleen。 〃and i in such a state!鈥

but in the end she had to give in to aravis。 she led the way down the steps  they had already descended; and along another corridor and so finally out into the  open air。 they were now in the palace garden which sloped down in terraces to the city  wall。 the moon shone brightly。 one of the drawbacks about adventures is that when you e  to the most beautiful places you are often too anxious and hurried to appreciate them;  so that aravis (though she remembered them years later) had only a vague impression of  grey lawns; quietly bubbling fountains; and the long black shadows of cypress trees。

when they re〃ached the very bottom and the wall rose frowning above them;  lasaraleen was shaking so that she could not unbolt the gate。 aravis did it。 there; at  last; was the river; full of reflected moonlight; and a little landing stage and a few  pleasure boats。

〃good…bye;〃 said aravis; 〃and thank you。 im sorry if ive been a pig。 but  think what im flying from!鈥

〃oh aravis darling;〃 said lasaraleen。 〃wont you change your mind? now that  youve seen what a very great man ahoshta is!鈥

〃great man!〃 said aravis。 〃a hideous grovelling slave who flatters when  hes kicked but treasures it all up and hopes to get his own back by egging on that  horrible tisroc to plot his sons death。 faugh! id sooner marry my fathers scullion than a  creature like that。鈥

〃oh aravis; aravis! how can you say such dreadful things; and about the  tisroc (may he live for ever) too。 it must be right if hes going to do it!鈥

〃good…bye;〃 said aravis; 〃and i thought your dresses lovely。 and i think  your house is lovely too。 im sure youll have a lovely life … though it wouldnt suit  me。 close the door softly behind me。鈥

she tore herself away from her friends affectionate embraces; stepped into  a punt; cast off; and a moment later was out in midstream with a huge real moon overhead  and a huge reflected moon down; deep down; in the river。 the air was fresh and cool  and as she drew near the farther bank she heard the hooting of an owl。 〃ah! thats better!〃  thought aravis。 she had always lived in the country and had hated every minute of  her time in tashbaan。

when she stepped ashore she found herself in darkness for the rise of the  ground; and the trees; cut off the moonlight。 but she managed to find the same road that  shasta had found; and came just as he had done to the end of。 the grass and the  beginning of the sand; and looked (like him) to her left and saw t
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